Monday, April 1, 2019

Stay Connected (How to follow my blog)

Stay Connected (How to follow my blog)
I don't have any pranks planned, this April Fool's Day for the blog, but this April, Google Plus is going to be shut down. This is an opportunity that can be used for talking about following my blog, which I've wanted to do for a while or you can just see it as a shameless self-promotion joke. Google+ being closed means that if you have been following my blog from their notifications or email, if you're in my circles, that you won't receive updates anymore. There are two options to still receive notifications, one is to go to the top of my blog and in the bar to submit an email type yours in and submit it and you will have the full blog emailed to you every time I upload (I won't be too spammy.) The second option is to put my blog url into your blogger account following tab as shown in this article,
Thank you for reading, if you read my blog, it would really help if you would follow it, thanks :). Until next time, stay connected.

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