Saturday, March 31, 2018

Star Wars Rebels Season 4.5 Thoughts

Star Wars Rebels Season 4.5 Thoughts
 Star Wars Rebels had its series finale a few weeks ago. I want to discuss some of the key points and details that stick out to me regarding the second half of the fourth season. Spoiler alert (duh) Generally I enjoyed season 4.5, it was very high quality. My only complaint would be the plot direction of the final episode. Here I'll sector my main points:

Kanan's Death
Kanan Jarrus also known as Caleb Dume was the Jedi leader of the rebels of Star Wars: Rebels, and his death was very impactful. The way it happened was very Jedi and almost a Starkiller way to go out, deflecting explosions like done here is a new ability for canon. I liked Kanan as a character before this and while I would say it was predictable, it made it more impactful. Especially considering it changed the plot and that no other characters died.

A World Between Worlds
The world between worlds episode introduces a previously unused sci-fi element to star wars, time travel. Personally I don't think it was used badly, but in the future it could be. I believe that all of that Jedi temple was destroyed and the only way to do it again would be through a similar temple elsewhere. My main thing with this is, not in a movie, I don't want it messing with a movie's plot or the main course of the saga. If time travel's done again it can not affect anything outside of the parameters of that story, mainly I don't want the episodic saga film events to be changed. Moving on, Dave Filoni actually seemed to have planned this for years, with a sort of trading card comic art series showing the portal with Ashoka.
Legends did have a sort of time travel called flow-walking, practiced in some of the books by the new Jedi, here it is briefly from Wookiepedia,
"It's an empty promise, Ben. Full of hopes and wishes, but in the end, it's just ashes and disillusionment. Yes, you can see those who have died, but you can't change what happens to them. And yes, you can see the future—even alter it to a small degree if you're skilled enough—but you can't be sure you're doing the right thing. The very wanting that is prompting you to do this is what's started many down the path to the dark side."- Luke Skywalker to Ben Skywalker. Legends also had the nasty sort of straight-up paradoxical shark-jumping mechanical time-travel that I would dread coming to canon. The design of the world between worlds, itself was very cool and minimalistic, It is similar to the wood between the worlds from Narnia. I also enjoyed the clone wars mortis easter eggs on the temple. Ian Mcdiarmid did wonderfully coming back as the emperor. This was actually one of my favorite episodes of rebels.

Finale & Future
So, the series finale came and was 3 episodes, but really just one because they were all released at the same time and same storyline. One epic thing I saw was some sort of force pike that could lift people in the air.
And I liked this episode and I think it's the best use of Thrawn for the season, but I've thought since season 2 that the season finale would be during rogue one and the battle of Scarif and that didn't happen so it left me kind of disappointed. It also left me with more questions than answers at the end of the episode such as Hera somehow having a child who is allegedly Kanan's son even though she was never pregnant and they didn't have that much of a relationship before his death. Also where was Ashoka during 2 whole seasons of Rebels and the entire galactic civil war? And what happened to Thrawn and Ezra after they blasted the ship into hyperspace? According to Dave Filoni they are both alive. The book, Thrawn Alliances comes out in June, but takes place before the end of Rebels, so at least we will figure out what Thrawn was doing during most of Season 4. I will probably get answers to most of these questions in the next Tv series that inevitably comes along, wether it be live-action or animated. Until Then Stay Connected.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Scribblenauts Series Review

Scribblenauts series review
Scribblenauts is a video game franchise of 4 games published by Warner Bros Entertainment and developed by 5th Cell. Games appearing on (3)DS, mobile, Wii U, and PC. I have played all of the games and I quite like them. Some I like more than others so, this is a series review of all 4 for the nintendo (3)DS.

Scribblenauts (2009)
Before I discuss my thoughts of the original game I need to introduce it and its mechanics, Scribblenauts is primarily a puzzle game. It is a very unique puzzle game in which you make items by typing them in to a notebook and use and equip them to solve the puzzle at hand. The main character is named Maxwell and he wears a chicken hat, why I don't know, but it probably has to do with this game promoting creativity and spontaneity. Which is my favorite aspect of this whole series. They even give you a whole open playground before you start the game to do whatever you want. The only thing I dislike about the game is wacky controls of having to use the stylus. Overall the game is epic and was great start to the series back in 2009.

Super Scribblenauts (2010)
The sequel one year later introduced adjectives applied to objects, which changed so much. In the first game you couldn't change the size or traits, or attitude of a character. Now you can, which alters the object of the game. Other small improvements include more profile slots, better music, an awesome level layout, fixed controls, and much more. The game has some cool easter eggs, like making an arcade allows a playable game similar to Missile Command. You can really just do so much, it is intensely creative and the first game in the series to promote customization. Personally, I've played this so much and it is one of my all-time favorite video games.

Scribblenauts Unlimited (2012)
Scribblenauts Unlimited was the first title in the series to be on the 3DS and in my opinion a step down in the franchise. Now, I think it is really fun but not on the level of its predecessor. Unlimited has a totally different layout, and a weird way to gather starites (a sort of token in scribblenauts.) There are no levels per se, just different places where people have missions for big and small for starites. These different environments while a bad level format for this game are fun and have great and different music. Sadly this game lacks editors, both of the preceding games had level editors this one does not. Nor does it have a  object editor, which was to be the gimmick of this game and was present on the Wii U and PC versions but nowhere to be seen on the 3DS. Unlimited's the first to include a story, which was meh. The best part of that was introducing Maxwell's family and giving him a backstory, because he is an awesome character. It struck me how easy it was to make his family want to kill him, but that is par for the course in this. Luckily, in this game you can just make a hostile person dead. That is other neat additions are a tool that lists items similar to what was being made, a tool to keep items stored to make without recreating them, and enhancing 5th cells engine, objectnaut for the 3DS giving better graphics.

Scribblenauts Unmasked (2013)
Since scribblenauts is published by Warner Bros, for the 4th game they decided to bring DC comics to scribblenauts. In unmasked you are in the dc comics world and you can make DC characters, items, and teams with your notebook. They could've went lazy on the wonderful and magnificent holy scribblenauts fan-base but they did not. There is a wide variety of characters, items, and even different versions of characters. All that said, it's pretty much just Unlimited with superheroes. And when you summon a ton of heroes and villains, it breaks out into an epic fight that takes over the screen. There are some problems, like there being no similar item lister or that the level layout is even worse than Unlimited. The music is ok, it's really more DC-style than scribblenauts, but that's fine when half of the people playing are only playing because of DC. Me, I play because of both and it's really fun to see them combined.

While the last Scribblenauts game was released 5 years ago, the franchise still goes on. After success and popularity in porting Scribblenauts to mobile, 5th cell set out to create a mobile exclusive Scribblenauts game, Fighting Words.   Around 2016 Warner Bros sent out emails for beta testing applicants. A few weeks later the game was cancelled and 5th cell had massive layoffs at their company.
 Most people thought that Scribblenauts was done and looked at similar games like Snipperclips for the same sort of puzzle game. But I say nay for from the heavens descends a savio7, Scribblenauts Showdown the game was leaked in December of 2017 for release on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. It is a party game with different modes, such as an open sandbox where you can do what you want.
No Scribblenauts game has been on a console where you would have to move a controller to type and it seems like that is what would have to happen here. And from my experience that slows down typing, which in turn with Scribblenauts will slow down the game. So I'm cautiously optimistic, but it's Scribblenauts, one of my favorite video game series of all time. So I will end this post with a message, stay connected and have a scribblenautic life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The State of the Force

What are the Jedi? (And More)
The Last Jedi came out and has been out for a large amount of time now and I'm assuming all reading this have seen it, this is a speculation/ analysis article about what the force-wielders or Jedi are evolving into as Star Wars continues with new movies. The question started with the movie being titled, The Last Jedi. Luke had already been referred to as the last Jedi in Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, though at the end of this film he said he wouldn't be the last Jedi. So the question would be is Rey a Jedi and is Kylo Ren a Sith? Maybe and no. For Kylo it has been stated numerous times by many at Lucasfilm that he and Snoke are not Sith, but just force-weilders. For Rey, it's more complicated, if we were to take Luke at face-value, yes Rey is a Jedi. She did lift rocks at the end of the movie, but even expressed it was a minor feat. But it shows power in the force, progressed past what Luke couldn't do in Empire Strikes Back by not being able to lift his X-Wing. Comparative to Luke's training, I would argue that he wasn't a full Jedi until the end of Return of the Jedi when he overcame Palpatine and turned Vader. Notice I say full Jedi, even though the Jedi order is no longer, I still think a silent progression system is in play in the films. So during their trainings Luke and Rey would've basically been Padawans. Lifting rocks and Jabbas's Palace were minor, yet impressive trials for them. And Rey started her advancement into Jedi Mastership when she went to meet Kylo Ren. Shortly afterward, Luke completed his life as a Jedi or not, I'm not sure. Although since, he said he wouldn't be the last Jedi it is safe to assume he thought of himself as a Jedi then.
So Luke is dead, Rey is midway through her journey, and Kylo seems to be pure evil. The biggest question is what Yoda meant when he told Luke it was time for the Jedi to end and then later Luke said he would not be the last Jedi. I think it is all up to Rey, she most likely will train a small new Jedi order by episode 9. Which is why I think there will be a medium-sized time gap between 8 and 9. Because whatever ends up happening between the First order and Resistance and Rey and Kylo Ren, it can't happen off screen. While I don't think it's an impossibility they've had encounters between films.
I think they will subvert what happened with Luke and Vader, change it up for Rey and Kylo. While it may be similar, there's no emperor or Snoke there this time and I don't see Kylo going light, after basically murdering Han and Luke. So it's all up to Rey, she could end the Jedi if she wanted to and I feel that could happen. While she doesn't need the Ancient Jedi texts, her students probably will (if they are as dumb as that broom kid.) All jokes and speculations aside, episode IX really holds the answers to what the Jedi really are and what they will become.

And More
Here's the And More, section, a stupid subtitle, but not worthy of it's own title or post. I'll quickly talk about other Jedi, Sith, Force-wielders and what it means and how it could connect to what was I just talked about. Starting with the Sith, while they didn't always follow their own rules, Kylo and Snoke definitely do not. The biggest reason they are not Sith is that that line ending with Vader and Palpatine's death. Additionally, they don't have yellow eyes, they don't follow the rule of two, and really just don't follow the teachings. Rey will continue the Jedi because she has the texts, learned from a Jedi, and has the powers. Snoke and Kylo may have some Sith sources, but they don't really follow them.
Another discussion is gray or dark Jedi. These are Jedi who have left or don't follow the order or teachings and may use dark side powers. There is a difference between gray and dark. And it's something like Dark uses the dark side and gray just doesn't follow the Jedi order. Correct me if I'm wrong but there really isn't a canon basis for any of this. An example of gray Jedi would be Ashoka on Star Wars Rebels. After the Force Awakens, I thought that Kylo might be a Dark Jedi, but I don't think Snoke is one, because it's a Jedi who uses Dark Side teachings. So it really depends on how much Kylo learned from Snoke as to if he is or not. And Rey is up in the air if she might be a gray or a dark Jedi by the end of the next movie and I can definitely see that happening. All of this being said, I don't think everything needs arbitrary titles, and probably won't be given any in the movies

Since episode 9 isn't until December 2019, I figure that the future of the force in Star Wars will be further explored, in books, comics and more  until then, even though there are a lot of great movies and other Star Wars things not involving the force. So if something is wrong in this tell me, and if you are reading this after episode 9, I hope you got a good chuckle. So stay connected for some episode 10 leaks.?

Thursday, March 1, 2018

27 Super Smash Bros Worthy Characters

27 Super Smash Bros-Worthy Characters
If you don't know Super Smash Bros is a popular fighting video game series made by Nintendo including Nintendo and 3rd party characters in a big roster. I am a huge fan and decided that if, when, and where the next one releases these characters should be included.
They are both nintendo and third-party, some you might disagree with, but even 27 was hard to narrow down, so I'll keep it short. And even more impossible to arrange so it's in no particular order.
With that out of the way and no more  to say, let's attack this list head-on.

Isabelle- Animal Crossing
Isabelle was a new character in Animal Crossing New Leaf and a sort of mascot for the game. With Animal Crossing becoming huge for Nintendo and only Villager in Smash Bros, Isabelle should work.

Shovel Knight- Shovel Knight games
Shovel Knight is and indie game by yacht games, and has history with Nintendo. The games are on nintendo consoles and he even has an Amiibo, so he would fit in.

Inkling- Splatoon
Splatoon is a relatively new franchise for nintendo, but it is already big with 2 games and being a first party nintendo game. The Inkling is a character that can do a lot in smash and is pretty much guaranteed entry.

King K. Rool- Donkey Kong
 As a big antagonist for Donkey Kong, King K. Rool is a popular character but hasn't appeared in gaming since 2008's Super Mario Sluggers.

Bomberman- Bomberman games
Bomberman is owned by Konami and has long been a popular character. The most recent Bomberman game was Switch exclusive and the first in years, there's even a Wario and Bomberman game.

Toad- Mario/ Captain Toad
Toad is an icon of Mario and now with his or "the species" having it's own video game, it would be silly not to have Toad as a fighter.

Ice Climbers- Ice Climbers games
The Ice Climbers or climbers are I believe the only fighter on the list from a previous game, that didn't return is Smash 4. And they definitely deserve to the play style is so unique and something the next Smash Bros game needs back.

Slime- Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest is a franchise that I am shocked it has not been represented in Super Smash Brothers. And the mascot being a slime is the ideal character, Nintendo has crossed over before and Smash Bros is the place for slime.

Dillon- Dillon's Rolling Western
Dillion is the main character of another indie game, that has a large presence in Smash Bros through trophies.

Skull Kid- The Legend of Zelda
Skull Kid from Majora's Mask is a top fighter on the list of Smash Bros fans. As basically the main villian of the game and someone with an awesome possible fight set, Skull Kid wobbles in.

Waluigi- Mario/ Wario
Already occurring as an epic assist trophy, Waluigi is the only one of the main 4 (Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi) not to be a fighter already. He is a fan-favorite and could be a better version of Luigi with an even greater attitude than Wario.

Knuckles- Sonic the Hedgehog
Knuckles, is probably the most known Sonic character other than Sonic himself. With his own games and huge appearances, it was between Knuckles and Tails, but I'm confident in Knuckles.

Shrek- Shrek Games
Just continue reading, Shrek is a very worthy character for the reasons of appearing in countless Games on Nintendo consoles, having an unimaginable fighting style, huge support. I'd say that Shrek had the most support for DLC around Smash 4.

Spring Man- Arms
Arms is one more popular new property bound to make Smash Bros. As the main fighter of the game Spring Man would be the most likely, and could skin to other characters. I think it's time for Spring Man to lean into smash.

Rusty- Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
This Nintendo owned haggling dog is a smaller somewhat lesser known character on the 3ds, the purpose of his game is to haggle on prices of real money to buy baseball mini-games. That may sound crazy, but it is entertaining, with differences in Japan it may be a problem, but we have smash characters we don't even have games of so let's go rusty.
(Also the Japanese design could be primary skin and name in Japan while vise-versa in US.)

Black Mage- Final Fantasy
Another Final Fantasy character should be welcome in Super Smash Brothers, since Cloud was the only one and dlc at that. Black Mage is a popular choice because of a magic move set and as a shoutout, to the fan-game, Super Smash Flash.

Monster Hunter Rep- Monster Hunter Games
Capcom supported Smash Bros 4 a great deal so I would not be surprised if 5 sees even more characters, a big franchise from Capcom on Nintendo platforms is Monster Hunter. I don't know who the fighter should be, just someone to represent the franchise.

Rayman- Rayman Games
Ubisoft has been making game with Nintendo recently and Rayman games have hit Nintendo consoles, so this flexible man is required a position. My affection for Rayman runs deep into my soul as I see my reflection in his face, so I deeply desire to maneuver him in a fighting game.

Rabbids- Rabbids Games
With Ubisoft making the Kingdom Battle Mario crossover, the rabbids are becoming Nintendlords, tons of games on nintendo, a really big franchise. I don't want them nearly as much as Rayman, but they are a welcome addition.

Takamaru- Murasame Castle
Takamaru is on the list because of the history with the series yet never being a fighter, Nintendo wished to include him in 2 games but never did, later offering a Mii skin. With The Mysterious Murasame Castle on the 3DS eshop maybe Nintendo will finally add Takamaru in Smash Bros 5.

Tingle- Legend of Zelda
Tingle is a classic and deserving person for the game even if he didn't have 2 DS games of his own, was an epic assist trophy, and all-around classic Zelda character. Tingle could oppose many in the arena and would be sure to have great controls.

Captain Rainbow- Captain Rainbow Game
From a nintendo game for Wii exclusive in Japan, Captain Rainbow is a hilarious and cool, sort of Nintendo self parody. There are all ready  funny trophies in smash, he could play off of other characters for laughs especially Captain Falcon when countering and returning the Falcon Pawnch. (He is Japan exclusive but popular in America and  would work for the same reasons as Rusty or Lucas.)

Chibi-Robo- Chibi-Robo games
Chibi-Robo was infamously left off of 4 Smash games in a row, being one of the only Nintendo 1st party "franchises" not to have a fighter. And a unique fighter Chibi-Robo would make.

Octopath Traveler rep- Project Octopath Traveler
An as yet unreleased, but interesting ip from Nintendo and Square Enix, an Octopath Traveler character could make a great representative if Nintendo wants to go recent.

Nester- Nintendo Power/ Nester's Funky Bowling
While this was an april fools prank before the release of Smash 4, Nester the mascot of Nintendo Power magazine could make a great and hilarious fighter. He did have a virtual boy game, Nester's Funky Bowling so that would probably be worked into the move set of how he can fight.

Geno- Mario RPG
Of Mario rpg fame, Geno is a true representation of what needs to be put into the smash brothers franchise. His Geno power would be massive and a fighting style would be somewhere in between Ness and Diddy Kong. Also Sakuari, one of the lead people on Smash Bros expressed a desire for Geno to join the roster, and if Square Enix is willing to play, than he can probably make it.

Maxwell- Scribblenauts
I know that I said "no particular order, but best for last right. As a big Scribblenauts fan I can really see how Maxwell would work in a fighting game like this, it could be so creative, using the notebook spawning items, he could even have weapons that he just spawned. Since Scribblenauts Showdown is on the Switch, it's quite likely and just considering the history of Nintendo and Scribblenauts, and that every game has been on a Nintendo console (Other than remix, but that's just the first 2 combined,) really the possibilities are endless.

Final Thoughts-
Obviously I don't expect all of these characters in the next Smash Bros game, but a great many of them have a fighting chance. As a big fan of the series, I can't wait to see what Nintendo puts out next and I hope to see great things no matter what. This was a really big list and hard to slim, so thanks for reading and Stay Connected.