Saturday, March 31, 2018

Star Wars Rebels Season 4.5 Thoughts

Star Wars Rebels Season 4.5 Thoughts
 Star Wars Rebels had its series finale a few weeks ago. I want to discuss some of the key points and details that stick out to me regarding the second half of the fourth season. Spoiler alert (duh) Generally I enjoyed season 4.5, it was very high quality. My only complaint would be the plot direction of the final episode. Here I'll sector my main points:

Kanan's Death
Kanan Jarrus also known as Caleb Dume was the Jedi leader of the rebels of Star Wars: Rebels, and his death was very impactful. The way it happened was very Jedi and almost a Starkiller way to go out, deflecting explosions like done here is a new ability for canon. I liked Kanan as a character before this and while I would say it was predictable, it made it more impactful. Especially considering it changed the plot and that no other characters died.

A World Between Worlds
The world between worlds episode introduces a previously unused sci-fi element to star wars, time travel. Personally I don't think it was used badly, but in the future it could be. I believe that all of that Jedi temple was destroyed and the only way to do it again would be through a similar temple elsewhere. My main thing with this is, not in a movie, I don't want it messing with a movie's plot or the main course of the saga. If time travel's done again it can not affect anything outside of the parameters of that story, mainly I don't want the episodic saga film events to be changed. Moving on, Dave Filoni actually seemed to have planned this for years, with a sort of trading card comic art series showing the portal with Ashoka.
Legends did have a sort of time travel called flow-walking, practiced in some of the books by the new Jedi, here it is briefly from Wookiepedia,
"It's an empty promise, Ben. Full of hopes and wishes, but in the end, it's just ashes and disillusionment. Yes, you can see those who have died, but you can't change what happens to them. And yes, you can see the future—even alter it to a small degree if you're skilled enough—but you can't be sure you're doing the right thing. The very wanting that is prompting you to do this is what's started many down the path to the dark side."- Luke Skywalker to Ben Skywalker. Legends also had the nasty sort of straight-up paradoxical shark-jumping mechanical time-travel that I would dread coming to canon. The design of the world between worlds, itself was very cool and minimalistic, It is similar to the wood between the worlds from Narnia. I also enjoyed the clone wars mortis easter eggs on the temple. Ian Mcdiarmid did wonderfully coming back as the emperor. This was actually one of my favorite episodes of rebels.

Finale & Future
So, the series finale came and was 3 episodes, but really just one because they were all released at the same time and same storyline. One epic thing I saw was some sort of force pike that could lift people in the air.
And I liked this episode and I think it's the best use of Thrawn for the season, but I've thought since season 2 that the season finale would be during rogue one and the battle of Scarif and that didn't happen so it left me kind of disappointed. It also left me with more questions than answers at the end of the episode such as Hera somehow having a child who is allegedly Kanan's son even though she was never pregnant and they didn't have that much of a relationship before his death. Also where was Ashoka during 2 whole seasons of Rebels and the entire galactic civil war? And what happened to Thrawn and Ezra after they blasted the ship into hyperspace? According to Dave Filoni they are both alive. The book, Thrawn Alliances comes out in June, but takes place before the end of Rebels, so at least we will figure out what Thrawn was doing during most of Season 4. I will probably get answers to most of these questions in the next Tv series that inevitably comes along, wether it be live-action or animated. Until Then Stay Connected.

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