Hello and welcome back to another summer comics review ceremony, this is the third annual event in which I describe my favorite comics that I read this summer, out of the 64 I read. Most of these are Marvel and DC superhero collected editions from the library. Even though I read a lot this year, I did start earlier than the other two years that I have done this, the dates haven't exactly been in sync, so next year and ever year after I will be going from May 25th to September 30th to keep it organized. In this list I won't be including any comics that I have awarded in previous years, even though I have read further volumes of some of these, I want to branch out and recognize new and different books. I also won't be including the categories of Black Panther and Justice League that I did last year, simply because I didn't read any comics in those categories that I thought were truly great and worthy of recognition here. Anyway that's good, because these categories are just a starting point for me to discover different comics and reading more outside of them really shows my diverse portfolio of comics. For all of those reasons I'm going to include 7 honorable mentions (in no particular order) before the top 3, so now it's basically a top ten. I'm doing the Oscars 3. Start.

Batman vol. 1-8
By Tom King
I did include this run as an honorable mention in the first summer comics review. But that was when I had read only the first two volumes. Those volumes were great, but it only got better from there. This story really explores the city of Gotham and the character of Batman and Bruce Wayne. I can truly tell you that Tom King is one of the best comics writers around.
Best Avengers Book

By Kurt Busiek
This classic 90's Avengers story from Kurt Busiek is truly great. It is a time travel story and it inspired some parts of Avengers: Endgame. It follows the battle between Kang and Immortus with great Avengers characters and themes within. It is an amazing story that I hope is adapted further when Kang is brought into the MCU.

X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever
By Max Bemis
Worst X-Man Ever is a tremendous X-Men comic that manages to navigate the world a lot better than books focused on the main team, through the eyes of a mutant boy named Bailey whose only power is that he can explode once and then he'll die. There are a lot of twists and turns all over the place and throughout it all this book manages to tell a great story.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol. 1-4
By Chip Zdarsky
This series is a very fresh new take on the character of Spider-Man that also talks about who he is and what he means. It has many fun adventures and a great cast of characters including J. Jonah Jameson, and Peter Parker's long lost sister, Teresa. Zdarsky writes action and humor very well and he's one of my favorite writers. This book should be a great one for people new to comics.
Honorable Mention: The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1&2 by Nick Spencer

Assassination Classroom vol. 1-5
By Yūsei Matsui
This manga is a great story about a creature that destroys the moon and then becomes a teacher for a class of "failing" kids and threatens to destroy Earth if they can't assassinate him by the end of the school year. The creature, Koro Sensei is a legend, super powerful and even though he is treating to destroy the planet, he actually connects with the kids and teaches them better than anyone ever had. This book is very funny and touching, it's quite the stupendous tale.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra vol. 1-5
By Kieron Gillen and Si Spurrier
Aphra is a new character introduced in the comics and she is definitely one of the best non-movie characters in Star Wars. She is an archeologist that is always getting into trouble and she is also quite the antihero, so there is a lot of depth to her character. Two of the most craziest characters in the book are murderous droids that are basically an evil version of C-3PO and R2-D2, they are always following Aphra and putting her in danger. There is so much crazy stuff in this book, I couldn't recommend it enough.
Top 3.
Honorable Mentions: Old Man Hawkeye vol.1 by Ethan Sacks, Doctor Strange vol.1 by Jason Aaron, Daredevil vol. 1-7 by Mark Waid, Star-Lord: Grounded by Chip Zdarsky, Thanos Wins by Donny Cates, V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, and Skrull Kill Krew by Mark Millar and Grant Morrison.

By Max Bemis
Summary: This takes place right after Lemire and Smallwood's amazing run on Moon Knight. This was a natural progression of Moon Knight dealing with the aftermath of all of that as a somewhat normal person grounded in the world.

2. Powerless
By Matt Chernis and Michael Gaydos
Summary: In an alternate universe where all the heroes of the Marvel universe don't have any powers, what do they do with their lives and how do they become everyday heroes? The story is told through the eyes of a therapist an everyday person who has many superheroes, including Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Wolverine (the main focuses of the story) as patients.
Thoughts: Powerless is a incredible and underrated story about humanity and heroism. Gaydos' art is great, it just jumps off the page. I really can't stress how amazing this comic is and how great it is at tying in all of the Marvel lore. The stories played out very well and were spectacular. And I actually screamed out loud when a prediction I made at the beginning of the book came true. Powerless is a truly fantastic comic.

By Jason Aaron
Summary: In this story beginning Jason Aaron's epic years-long run on Thor, the god of thunder along with a younger and older version of himself battles an unhinged villain named Gorr the God Butcher.
Thoughts: An immediate classic, Thor God of Thunder is just amazing, it balances so many things and does it so well. I don't want to say much more because of spoilers, but I will heap as much praise on the book as I can, it is one of the best comics that I have ever read. Now excuse me and stay connected as I go off to read the fourth volume of Thor: God of Thunder.
Nicely organized.