On this blog I will be reviewing video games, books, comics and movies, writing short stories, talking about memes, and anything else I want to do so enjoy.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker First Impression
I saw the final film in the Skywalker Saga yesterday, The Rise of Skywalker and I think it was a good ending to this saga and to this trilogy. I am still collecting my thoughts on the movie because it is so dense and there is so much going on throughout. There were some story decisions that I wasn't a great fan of, but overall I liked most of what this movie did. The movie was directed amazingly by JJ Abrams and the effects were absolutely great. John Williams' music is once again magnificent, but there were some moments when I think that some tracks were a bit weak and when there wasn't really any music and they could've played a track from one of the other movies that would have worked very well. There was a lot of fun action and comedy moments in this movie. All of those moments came with the characters, which were the best thing about this movie. They introduced a few new characters that I really liked. The returning characters were excellent, this movie really is all about this adventure that they go on together and I couldn't like it more. It's also about Rey and Kylo's relationship and the conflict that they have in the movie. Of course, the Emperor also returns and I felt that he was used well, but his return could have used more explanation. Carrie Fisher is in this movie as Leia from unused footage and I think it worked very well, for the most part. I didn't much like how the film was just unnecessarily dark throughout and it was just stressing me out about what would happen. It also happens that this movie never slows down it starts and ends with so much action and plot. It is pretty easy to follow but just feels quite choppy and the scenes don't transition well. I also have a few unanswered questions from the movie about things that were brought up but never answered by the end. The final scene for this movie was great and the perfect way to end this saga even if the film wasn't entirely perfect. The Rise of Skywalker was a very funny and action-packed movie that I would recommend to anyone that likes Star Wars and I think that it was a nice ending for this saga and trilogy. I think at this point I'd give it a 8 or 9 out of 10 and rank it as my 7th favorite Star Wars movie, overall (which sounds very low until you realize that there are 11 of them.) I know that this movie is receiving mixed reviews from critics and fans, but I think that it deserves more praise than it has gotten. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was a very good ending to the 42 years of this saga and I can't wait for what's more to come from this franchise. I will probably make a spoiler review soon, after I see the movie again and have time to process my thoguhts, either here or on the YT channel. I will also be reviewing The Mandalorian season one sometime after next Friday. So stay connected and may the force be with you, always.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Top 5 Marvel Grand Design Comics I want
Marvel has a series of comics called Grand Design, which are retellings of long comic series like X-Men and Fantastic Four. Those are the only two series they have so far (the X-Men series has 3 volumes, FF has 1 so far.) I just finished reading the second X-Men volume, Second Genesis. I really like this series and how it makes it easy to understand the long and complicated history of these series. So there are definitely many other Marvel characters who could have a Grand Design series. Multiversity Comics did an article about the top Grand Design comics that them and their readers want. So I thought I could do a list of the top 5 Grand Design series that I want.
Top 5
5. Eternals
The Eternals would be a great group to do a Grand Design series as they getting a movie next year. It would a great introduction to them for people that don't yet know their history. And I would love this series because I love these characters and I have only read Neil Gaiman's series and their appearance in Jason Aaron's Avengers, so I would like more on the rest of their history from other series. Plus the continuity is very confusing, so it would be good if they were to streamline it more for the canon. The Eternals would also go with the theme of grand design because they (along with humans and deviants) were designed by the Celestials.
4. Cosmic Marvel/ Guardians
I would very much like to see a series with the Guardians of the Galaxy and the entirety of Cosmic Marvel History. From Infinity Gauntlet to Annihilation. Personally I just want to see all of this history, that I haven't read in the form of Grand Design. As for the Guardians, they have a very long history which doesn't even include the current team from the beginning. They can include things like Guardians 3000 and characters like Nova. I just want to be able to have all of the history of these characters in a digestible way.
3. Inhumans
Inhumans, like Eternals is another series that works very well with grand design. The Inhumans were designed by the Kree. They do have a very interconnected history with the Fantastic Four and I'm not sure how involved they are in the FF's Grand Design series. But even if they are, Marvel could spin it off from that. The Inhumans and the lore is so big and is a great story. There are some plot holes and discrepancies in their continuity. Those could be filled in for this and other series as the narrator for Grand Design is The Watcher. So we could get more adventures from these characters that happened off-panel. I love the Inhumans and I really want to know more about them.
2. Avengers
The Avengers are one of the most popular and legendary teams in Marvel, with so many comics spanning so many years with so much history. The giant cast of characters that the Avengers includes would make for an amazing book. There is a lot of history to go over that would make this book very fun and awesome. Avengers assemble. Nuff said.
1. Spider-Man
Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel character and he is definitely the most qualified character to have their own Grand Design series in terms of amount of lore in my opinion. There are so many complicated events and storylines centered around just this one character, the Clone Saga, Absolute Carnage, Spider-verse, Superior Spider-Man, Kraven's Last Hunt, and I can go on and on. Chip Zdarsky had a series called Spider-Man: Life Story, which told the story of Spider-Man's life if he actually aged reguarly. But I would love a series about Spider-Man 's life in the canon and the history of the character and lore. RIP Juice WRLD, rapper who worked on Into the Spider-Verse died. :(
I really hope that Marvel makes some of these series. Thank you for reading and stay connected.
Links: http://www.multiversitycomics.com/previews/reader-poll-results-grand-design/
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Mandalorian Chapter 5: Mystery Character Identity?
So, I am back from a short bit of time gone from this blog, of course to talk about what very quickly is becoming my favorite television series, Star Wars: The Mandalorian on Disney Plus. I was super hyped leading up to its release and the first live-action Star Wars television show doesn't disappoint. But I will save the review for after the end of the season. I haven't felt a great need to write about the show yet, there isn't really much I have to say that hasn't already been said. Just know that this is a great series that you should be watching. I don't have too much to add for this either, but I'm pretty much sorting my ideas and using ideas from around the net (shout out to Reddit!)
If you haven't watched The Mandalorian yet there are major spoilers ahead!
With that out of the way, shout out to Baby Yoda, he's great. Although I'm sure that there's almost no one who doesn't know of him yet.
In Chapter 5: The Gunslinger, the Mandalorian gets into a whole ordeal with a young bounty hunter, Toro Calican and a assassin named Fennec Shand on Tatooine. Long story short, the Mandalorian leaves Toro to watch Shand and she reveals to him that the Mandalorian is worth more than she is so he kills her and leaves her there. The Mando kills him after the gunslinger jumps him and the Mando leaves the planet. The final stinger that we get at the end of the episode is someone, whose identity isn't revealed walk up to Shand's body on Tatooine. We hear the person's footsteps which have a spur-like sound effect to them. There is also a very visible cape that they are wearing. And up to this point that is all we really know. Here I'm going to give some options for likely candidates of who this person is and how it will effect the series and Star Wars as a whole. Let's go.
Greef Carga
Let's get into the most likely options first. Greef has already appeared in two episodes of the show and since many other bounty hunters are trailing the Mando it would follow that he is too. He would also likely have a personal vendetta against the Mandalorian because the last time Greef saw him, he was shot and left for dead. The cape in the shot is also like Greef's, torn and long enough. I'm not sure about the spurs when he walks though. It would be slightly interesting, but I sort of already assumed that Greef was after the Mando. I hope it isn't him because why would they tease and not fully show a character that is already in the show and wouldn't majorly surprise anyone. And I would basically be writing this all for nothing.
Moff Gideon
This is another more likely character, because we already know that he will be in the show. But if that's the case why tease him like this. This would be better than Greef because we haven't seen Moff Gideon yet. I feel that it might not be him for three reasons, 1. He is an imperial warlord that we know has a guard of death troopers, so why wouldn't they be there, 2. From the images I can see his cape is likely in much better condition than the one shown from the person in the show, although I can't find an image showing the bottom of his cape, 3. I doubt as an imperial that he would have boots that look and sound like that. The reason that he could be there is that he was meant to meet up with Shand, who he hired to take out the Mandalorian which would explain why she knew so much of the story about what happened with the Mando. This one would be fine, but honestly I would be disappointed because of my raised expectations for the craziness that this scene could potentially spawn. Maybe I should temper my expectations for anything on the list other than these two, but that's just a thought, you know that I'm not gonna. This is the greatest mystery in Star Wars rn and half the fun is to speculate. Plus I love writing this blog (even though I don't post quite enough.)
Cad Bane
Could this fan-favorite character from The Clone Wars animated series show up? I want to say yes, because Dave Filoni is running the show, but that could also mean no at the same time. The boots, spurs, and cape heavily line up. But that said at Star Wars Celebration 2017, they released Clone Wars footage which isn't technically canon (yet), in which Cad Bane was killed by Boba Fett. It isn't recognized as canon by Wookieepedia, but the question that will determine if he shows up in this show is: Is Cad Bane's death considered canon by Dave Filoni? It would be reasonable for him to show up since he is a bounty hunter. But is he the best choice for the plot moving forward? I don't know, but I would love to see him show up.
![]() |
1313 game concept art. Not actually Vanth. Cobb Vanth doesn't have any images because he is a (mysterious) book character. This gets the general idea. |
Cobb Vanth
Cobb Vance is a character from the Aftermath books by Chuck Wending, he lives on Tatooine and posses a Mandalorian armour which may or may not be Boba Fett's. He acquired this armor from trading with the Jawas. He has a baby hutt with him that he is taking care of, so he is very similar to the Mando. They would have to introduce the character for a new audience. I haven't read the Aftermath books, but I pretty much understand the character from videos and articles online, so I don't think his intro would be very hard. Having Boba's armor (if he does) would line up pretty well with the character we see here, on Tatooine nonetheless. The cape is quite a bit shorter than the one here, but after the Sarlacc pit and several years on that plus Boba's cape was already ripped in Empire and Return of the Jedi, he could've replaced it with a new longer one. There is also a fan theory that Vance is actually Boba Fett using an alias, all of the chapters that he is in are told from a different perspective so you can't be sure. If it is Boba than they could introduce him as Cobb and then try for a reveal later on that he's really Boba, honestly everyone would see that from a mile away. They could just bring back Boba and not really address the Cobb Vance thing, but say that it was him in passing. But on to the next character and we'll talk more.
Boba Fett
Be honest, even though some people don't like it Boba escaped that Sarlacc. George was inches away from including it in the special edition. He would be hugely popular if he returned, it's the Mandalorian show, pay respects up to the first Mando in Star Wars. The kid from Attack of The Clones, Daniel Logan is perfect to play him at this point. The show went to Tatooine, whether he's Vance or not it makes since that he would be there and check out what was happening in his territory, plus he is a bounty hunter so at this point he would naturally be against the Mandalorian since he gets a reward for it. It would be really cool to bring him in at the end of the season and set him up as a villain for later. What I'm really hoping for is that we go to Mandalore and deeply explore the culture and see how Boba Fett and the Mandalorian tie into that in season 2. The evidence for this is pretty big, go back to Empire and listen to Boba Fett walking, the sound effect is practically identical to what is here. I really think that it's on purpose. But see we will. Connected stay Yoda Baby says.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comics Review 2019!
Hello and welcome back to another summer comics review ceremony, this is the third annual event in which I describe my favorite comics that I read this summer, out of the 64 I read. Most of these are Marvel and DC superhero collected editions from the library. Even though I read a lot this year, I did start earlier than the other two years that I have done this, the dates haven't exactly been in sync, so next year and ever year after I will be going from May 25th to September 30th to keep it organized. In this list I won't be including any comics that I have awarded in previous years, even though I have read further volumes of some of these, I want to branch out and recognize new and different books. I also won't be including the categories of Black Panther and Justice League that I did last year, simply because I didn't read any comics in those categories that I thought were truly great and worthy of recognition here. Anyway that's good, because these categories are just a starting point for me to discover different comics and reading more outside of them really shows my diverse portfolio of comics. For all of those reasons I'm going to include 7 honorable mentions (in no particular order) before the top 3, so now it's basically a top ten. I'm doing the Oscars 3. Start.

Batman vol. 1-8
By Tom King
I did include this run as an honorable mention in the first summer comics review. But that was when I had read only the first two volumes. Those volumes were great, but it only got better from there. This story really explores the city of Gotham and the character of Batman and Bruce Wayne. I can truly tell you that Tom King is one of the best comics writers around.
Best Avengers Book

By Kurt Busiek
This classic 90's Avengers story from Kurt Busiek is truly great. It is a time travel story and it inspired some parts of Avengers: Endgame. It follows the battle between Kang and Immortus with great Avengers characters and themes within. It is an amazing story that I hope is adapted further when Kang is brought into the MCU.

X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever
By Max Bemis
Worst X-Man Ever is a tremendous X-Men comic that manages to navigate the world a lot better than books focused on the main team, through the eyes of a mutant boy named Bailey whose only power is that he can explode once and then he'll die. There are a lot of twists and turns all over the place and throughout it all this book manages to tell a great story.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol. 1-4
By Chip Zdarsky
This series is a very fresh new take on the character of Spider-Man that also talks about who he is and what he means. It has many fun adventures and a great cast of characters including J. Jonah Jameson, and Peter Parker's long lost sister, Teresa. Zdarsky writes action and humor very well and he's one of my favorite writers. This book should be a great one for people new to comics.
Honorable Mention: The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1&2 by Nick Spencer

Assassination Classroom vol. 1-5
By Yūsei Matsui
This manga is a great story about a creature that destroys the moon and then becomes a teacher for a class of "failing" kids and threatens to destroy Earth if they can't assassinate him by the end of the school year. The creature, Koro Sensei is a legend, super powerful and even though he is treating to destroy the planet, he actually connects with the kids and teaches them better than anyone ever had. This book is very funny and touching, it's quite the stupendous tale.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra vol. 1-5
By Kieron Gillen and Si Spurrier
Aphra is a new character introduced in the comics and she is definitely one of the best non-movie characters in Star Wars. She is an archeologist that is always getting into trouble and she is also quite the antihero, so there is a lot of depth to her character. Two of the most craziest characters in the book are murderous droids that are basically an evil version of C-3PO and R2-D2, they are always following Aphra and putting her in danger. There is so much crazy stuff in this book, I couldn't recommend it enough.
Top 3.
Honorable Mentions: Old Man Hawkeye vol.1 by Ethan Sacks, Doctor Strange vol.1 by Jason Aaron, Daredevil vol. 1-7 by Mark Waid, Star-Lord: Grounded by Chip Zdarsky, Thanos Wins by Donny Cates, V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, and Skrull Kill Krew by Mark Millar and Grant Morrison.

By Max Bemis
Summary: This takes place right after Lemire and Smallwood's amazing run on Moon Knight. This was a natural progression of Moon Knight dealing with the aftermath of all of that as a somewhat normal person grounded in the world.

2. Powerless
By Matt Chernis and Michael Gaydos
Summary: In an alternate universe where all the heroes of the Marvel universe don't have any powers, what do they do with their lives and how do they become everyday heroes? The story is told through the eyes of a therapist an everyday person who has many superheroes, including Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Wolverine (the main focuses of the story) as patients.
Thoughts: Powerless is a incredible and underrated story about humanity and heroism. Gaydos' art is great, it just jumps off the page. I really can't stress how amazing this comic is and how great it is at tying in all of the Marvel lore. The stories played out very well and were spectacular. And I actually screamed out loud when a prediction I made at the beginning of the book came true. Powerless is a truly fantastic comic.

By Jason Aaron
Summary: In this story beginning Jason Aaron's epic years-long run on Thor, the god of thunder along with a younger and older version of himself battles an unhinged villain named Gorr the God Butcher.
Thoughts: An immediate classic, Thor God of Thunder is just amazing, it balances so many things and does it so well. I don't want to say much more because of spoilers, but I will heap as much praise on the book as I can, it is one of the best comics that I have ever read. Now excuse me and stay connected as I go off to read the fourth volume of Thor: God of Thunder.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Loki: Where Mischief Lies | Book Review

I recently read the Marvel young adult novel, Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee. I received this book as an uncorrected review copy from Disney in exchange for an honest and fair review. The novel stars a younger teenage version of Loki. It also features Thor, Odin, and all of the other regular mix of Asgard. But for most of the book, Loki is on Earth in 19th century London investigating some very suspicious murders. The book takes place in a version of the Marvel universe, where some major events we know to have happened to these characters and environments have occurred, but they are just unspecific or slightly different. That is to fit the needs of this story and to keep it out of any other continuity for the needs of other stories. There are some major references and Easter eggs to the greater Marvel universe in the book that I won't spoil here, but they are rather interesting.
The only comic that I've read with Loki as the protagonist is Loki: Agent of Asgard by Al Ewing, which is very different from this, but also similar in that they both focus on a young version of Loki. Although as prose novels go this read a lot like Rick Riordan's books including Magnus Chase. All of his books are very similar since they are mythological fiction, but Magnus Chase, especially because those books, are about Norse Mythology. This also made me more excited for the 2021 Loki Disney Plus series, because it really reinvigorated my interest in the character. This novel really got into Loki's psyche, while also keeping him mysterious, which very hard to do and for that, I applaud Mackenzi Lee. There is also a lot of diversity in the characters and relationships within the book, which is always great. This is the first novel of Mackenzi Lee's that I have read and it is also the first book of a trilogy of books by her about marvel antiheroes. I've speculated on who those characters could be and thought possibly, Namor, Gambit, and Nebula are great options. There are also a few characters from this book, that I don't think we've seen the last of in this trilogy. So, I hope that whatever the next books are, that they are connected to Loki and each other. As young adult (YA) novels go, I thought that Loki is one of the better books I've read in the genre. I don't really seek out YA novels unless they're science fiction or fantasy or connected to some franchise I like such as Star Wars or Marvel. But I thought that this book, handled it very well and all of the relationships felt real and entertaining. Since I'm not into YA, I haven't read Mackenzi Lee's other YA books, but I know that they are very popular. I will definitely be reading her next two marvel books, though.
While Loki was overall a good book, I must say that there were some choices made in the plot and by the characters that I just didn't like, but there were many other things that I did like, so it was up and down in that way. There were some plot threads that were confusing or very abruptly wrapped up, I feel like those aspects could have been handled better. And there were several parts that I found a tad bit predictable, but also there were a couple of things near the end that had me surprised. In the end Loki: Where Mischief Lies is a very entertaining novel of page-turning rollicking fun and I would recommend it. Thank you for reading my review and stay connected.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: A Crash of Fate | Book Review
Hello all, I am here today with my extremely late review of the novel, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: A Crash of Fate by Zoraida Córdova. You see I was given an advance uncorrected copy of the book (thank you, Disney.) But the cost of getting the book early and for free is that there will be typos and mistakes, which for the most part are fine but some of them made the book hard to understand. That's just my problem though, so let's move on.
One of the most important features of this book is that it ties into the new Star Wars land at Disney, Galaxy's Edge, by taking place in Black Spire Outpost on the planet, Batuu, the setting of Galaxy's Edge. I haven't been to Galaxy's Edge, but my favorite part of the book is how much it made me get to know the planet of Batuu and developed the world of Black Spire Outpost. Although it did go overboard slightly when it decided to incorporate products that are sold at Galaxy's Edge into the plot, however great they are it was too much and they did this too much.
The book is about the characters Izal Garsea and Julen Rakab, Izzy and Jules for short. And the chapters are sorted in an alternating pattern, from each of their perspectives. I liked reading the chapters from Izzy's perspective more, for most of the book opposed to of that of Jules, because I felt that Izzy was a far more interesting and complex character. Plus, she was often doing more interesting things than Jules.
The book is in the Young Adult (YA) genre, so you get a lot of those silly YA themes here. This has been handled very well in some Star Wars YA novels and not so well in others and sadly I think this one was handled not so well. The narration was in third person and limited to the thoughts of Izzy or Jules, depending on the chapter. But we just had to hear ever single thing that they thought and it was really repetitive. Now that gets in to how the book is longer than it needs to be, because it keeps on repeating the same things about the characters instead of advancing the plot. It takes until the final third or fourth of the way through to really get into the plot.
I would like to finish this review by citing some connections to other Star Wars books that I felt from A Crash of Fate. First up would be Lost Stars, a great Star Wars book that is similar to A Crash of Fate in many ways. And going into A Crash of Fate, I felt like it could be a lot like Lost Stars, and there was much to compare, but overall Lost Stars was a lot better, in the plot and the relationship between the main characters.
Then there was a character involved in A Crash of Fate by the name of Nate Grattonius who could be the titular Force Collector from that upcoming novel. Although on Twitter the author of A Crash of Fate said it wasn't him. I found him very cool in this though and I hope actually is him. I'm very excited for that book and how it could possibly connect with the characters from A Crash of Fate. I'll leave a little bit of wisdom from him, that I thought was good to include here, from A Crash of Fate. Right before this, Jules helped Nate while he was being attacked, "'I seem to be in the right place at the right time today,' Jules said. 'Or the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not exactly sure.' 'Both things can be true, Jules.' Nate's face split into a bright smile. 'For my assailants it was the wrong time, for me it was the right one.'"
The last connection would be the small little pieces we can gather from the book about the state of the galaxy and the Resistance at this time, after The Last Jedi. Every time we heard about that it made me want to be reading a book all about the Resistance instead of one where it was something going on in the background. And there will be a book all about that soon, Resistance Reborn. Which A Crash of Fate also makes me more excited for.
Overall I think that A Crash of Fate isn't a bad read, but it isn't great and there are many Star Wars books I would recommend before it. I would say read it for Galaxy's Edge, but I haven't read every Galaxy's Edge book, so I don't know if it's the best one of those either. But at least read A Crash of Fate if you're a die-hard Star Wars, fan like me and you're sure to get some enjoyment out of it. Thanks for reading and as always, Stay Connected.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
D23 Expo News
Disney's official convention, D23 was this weekend and there was so much news that came out of it that I need to just jump right into. I won't talk about anything I'm not really interested in, no one is paying me to do this, so why should I write about anything I don't like. If you like Lady & the Tramp or High School Musical, that's fine, search it up yourself. I'm just gonna keep it to nerdo media series over here. First, I have to report some pretty sucky news, Spider-Man is leaving the MCU and won't appear in any Marvel Studios movies, until the rights revert only when, Sony stops makes Spider-Man movies, gets bought out, or if they can come to another deal with Marvel. That's about all for that, here's a pretty reliable article: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/08/spider-man-tom-holland-kevin-feige-mcu
In very exciting news, we got posters, photos and trailers for The Mandalorian and The World According to Jeff Goldblum. Both series look great, but I just want to focus in on The Mandalorian and say that it had one of the best trailers that I have ever seen and it has got me beyond excited for this show. It looks super dark and if you haven't seen the trailer, leave here and go watch it now.
Now I want to go back in time a bit to the Disney Legends panel that showed some new footage of the Rise of Skywalker revealing Vader's helmet will be back in a sealed case. It was also announced that Ming-Na-Wen of Agents of SHIELD and Mulan will be in The Mandalorian. Speaking of Agents of SHIELD, we got a trailer for season 7, showing them in the 30's, the Chronicoms, and Hydra, the season will start in Summer 2020.
In theme park news, they revealed Avengers Campus for Disneyland in California and showed the Star Wars hotel for Galaxy's Edge. In some funny news from D23, people were waiting in huge lines for kiosks to do an advance sign up for Disney Plus, because of how promising the service and content looks. Also there was a bit of a memorial for Spider-Man out in front of D23 :(.
Back over to Disney+ news, The Clone Wars season 7 is going to be released in February 2020. They did some talking about the Cassian Andor series, nothing was really shown, but they did hint at 10 episodes. And finally, after years of waiting, an Obi-Wan Kenobi series was announced for Disney Plus with Ewan Mcgregor attached. Hype! All we know now is that it will take place 8 years after Revenge of the Sith. While they made all of these announcements they had a timeline with wavy lines, looking like it was made in Google Drawings.
There was a huge news blowout for the Disney Plus Marvel shows. Starting off with Falcon and Winter Soldier they announced US Agent would be in the series and we learned that the series is coming at us in August 2020. Plus we got a poster for the show. There was some footage from What If shown, Peggy Carter as Captain America, T'Challa as Star-Lord and Bucky fighting a zombie Cap in Marvel Zombies. It was also revealed that there will be 23 episodes for 23 movies.
WandaVision got a lot of news, D23 attendees got footage of Wanda and Vision in the MCU intercut with The Dick Van Dyke show to give a feel for the tone of the series. That is very interesting and I definitely see the influence of Tom King's Vision run from that. Then it was revealed that Darcy from Thor and Agent Woo from Ant-Man will be in the series. Played by Kat Dennings and Randall Park respectively. I don't know what Darcy's role in here will be, but at least it means that she can also be back for Thor: Love and Thunder. Agent Woo I expect to be there as someone that investigates what Wanda and Vision are doing. Kathyrn Hahn was also cast as a nosy neighbor. Matt Shakman will be directing episodes of WandaVision.
The last few announcements I have to talk about from the Diseny+ panel had me rolling on the floor. Marvel announced 3 new series for Disney+, She-Hulk, Moon Knight, and last but not least Ms. Marvel! Bruh, I have no words. Two of my favorite superheroes, Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight are getting their own series. And She-Hulk, we always thought that she could never get her own movie or series, because she was owned by Universal and now she is getting a Disney+ show. I am so excited for all of this. Although, I am confused about these being in Phase 4. Because we thought that we had the complete slate, but if the 2022 and on movies are Phase 5, then unless these shows come out before 2022, we will have 2 phases running at the same time. If the shows really are part of Phase 4. Lo and Behold another potential problem with Ms. Marvel in the MCU, don't get me wrong she is one of my favorite characters, I just want to see her done right. All we know about any of these shows is that Bisha K. Ali will be running Ms. Marvel. And I will be back with words on these, at some point.
Speaking of Ms. Marvel, she will appear in the upcoming 2021 Disney Junior show, Spidey and his Amazing Friends which will star Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen. It will feature guest characters such as Hulk, Black Panther, and Ms. Marvel. I'll be real, even though this is on Disney Junior, it looks cool and I have to watch at least a bit of it, if only for Ms. Marvel. And announced from Marvel for the Disney Channel is Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur from Laurence Fishburne, which I will definitely be watching as well. If you aren't sold on Disney Plus or if you know someone that isn't, pull up with this sick trailer highlighting great moments from the shows and movies that will be on there.
Over to the movies panel at D23, we got some deets about Eternals including Gemma Chan being cast as Sersi, Barry Keyohan as Druig, and Kit Harrington as the Black Knight. Plus we got our first look at the Eternals, all looking very cool. Then the people present at the panel got to see more top secret Black Widow footage. But we did get a poster and a design for the White Widow costume, possibly used for stealth in the snow in Russia or someplace else.
Also announced was that Black Panther II will come out May 6th, 2022, with Ryan Coogler back to direct. One thing I have to comment on is the newly announced animated Disney movie, Raya and the Last Dragon. It sounds like it will be pretty good. But, sadly I'm seeing similarities to The Dragon Prince, Raya and Rayla, both are about some of the last dragons. It's just kind of sad that when this comes out and is super popular, no one will even know what The Dragon Prince is and confuse it for this.
Let's finish this blogpost with one of the best things, Star Wars. First some deets came out about Keri Russell's new character, Zorri Bliss being a criminal and Poe's friend. Then we got a poster, which is very cool. And then we got a special look that was shown exclusively for audiences at D23, that we didn't get to see until Monday, delaying this blog. Just kidding, I'm already lazy enough to delay it all by myself. The trailer is pretty good, most of it is old footage, but it's a nice compilation and it's cool to have footage from all 9 saga films in the same trailer. On to the new footage, we see the characters walk up to some sort of festival. Then we see Leia, Carrie Fisher is truly in it. We see some ships of the resistance. Then a ton of Imperial Star Destroyers in space, making me think that this is where the Imperial remnant went in the outer regions. That would be very cool if this is actually what this is and they are utilizing more non-movie material for the films. We see C-3PO with red eyes, I've heard a lot of theories, but I think it would be cool if he just went evil from his programming of when he swapped minds with a battle droid in Attack of the Clones. Then we see Kylo and Rey battling over water around what I think is the second Death Star. Very neat, we've seen battles over lava, it's cool to also have battles over water. Although we must have Mustafar in this movie! Now on to the scene that everyone is talking about, Dark Rey. Double- bladed folding lightsaber, I like it. I don't have any clue what is going on. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a vision. But what I actually think would be cool is for her to turn to the dark side. We also hear Vader's breathing in this, which is odd, since even though we know he will be involved with the movie, they specifically play that over the scene of Rey. Which could mean several things: a)Vader's spirit is on the second Death Star, b)Rey is the next Darth Vader, c)It is a vision and Vader's breathing is playing over it to call back to Luke's vision of himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah, or d)They are in Vader's castle during this scene. It could be none of those, but I would like all of them. But we Darth Darth Vader's Castle on Mustafar in The Rise of Skywalker. With that, stay connected.
Now I want to go back in time a bit to the Disney Legends panel that showed some new footage of the Rise of Skywalker revealing Vader's helmet will be back in a sealed case. It was also announced that Ming-Na-Wen of Agents of SHIELD and Mulan will be in The Mandalorian. Speaking of Agents of SHIELD, we got a trailer for season 7, showing them in the 30's, the Chronicoms, and Hydra, the season will start in Summer 2020.
In theme park news, they revealed Avengers Campus for Disneyland in California and showed the Star Wars hotel for Galaxy's Edge. In some funny news from D23, people were waiting in huge lines for kiosks to do an advance sign up for Disney Plus, because of how promising the service and content looks. Also there was a bit of a memorial for Spider-Man out in front of D23 :(.
Back over to Disney+ news, The Clone Wars season 7 is going to be released in February 2020. They did some talking about the Cassian Andor series, nothing was really shown, but they did hint at 10 episodes. And finally, after years of waiting, an Obi-Wan Kenobi series was announced for Disney Plus with Ewan Mcgregor attached. Hype! All we know now is that it will take place 8 years after Revenge of the Sith. While they made all of these announcements they had a timeline with wavy lines, looking like it was made in Google Drawings.
There was a huge news blowout for the Disney Plus Marvel shows. Starting off with Falcon and Winter Soldier they announced US Agent would be in the series and we learned that the series is coming at us in August 2020. Plus we got a poster for the show. There was some footage from What If shown, Peggy Carter as Captain America, T'Challa as Star-Lord and Bucky fighting a zombie Cap in Marvel Zombies. It was also revealed that there will be 23 episodes for 23 movies.
WandaVision got a lot of news, D23 attendees got footage of Wanda and Vision in the MCU intercut with The Dick Van Dyke show to give a feel for the tone of the series. That is very interesting and I definitely see the influence of Tom King's Vision run from that. Then it was revealed that Darcy from Thor and Agent Woo from Ant-Man will be in the series. Played by Kat Dennings and Randall Park respectively. I don't know what Darcy's role in here will be, but at least it means that she can also be back for Thor: Love and Thunder. Agent Woo I expect to be there as someone that investigates what Wanda and Vision are doing. Kathyrn Hahn was also cast as a nosy neighbor. Matt Shakman will be directing episodes of WandaVision.
The last few announcements I have to talk about from the Diseny+ panel had me rolling on the floor. Marvel announced 3 new series for Disney+, She-Hulk, Moon Knight, and last but not least Ms. Marvel! Bruh, I have no words. Two of my favorite superheroes, Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight are getting their own series. And She-Hulk, we always thought that she could never get her own movie or series, because she was owned by Universal and now she is getting a Disney+ show. I am so excited for all of this. Although, I am confused about these being in Phase 4. Because we thought that we had the complete slate, but if the 2022 and on movies are Phase 5, then unless these shows come out before 2022, we will have 2 phases running at the same time. If the shows really are part of Phase 4. Lo and Behold another potential problem with Ms. Marvel in the MCU, don't get me wrong she is one of my favorite characters, I just want to see her done right. All we know about any of these shows is that Bisha K. Ali will be running Ms. Marvel. And I will be back with words on these, at some point.
Speaking of Ms. Marvel, she will appear in the upcoming 2021 Disney Junior show, Spidey and his Amazing Friends which will star Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen. It will feature guest characters such as Hulk, Black Panther, and Ms. Marvel. I'll be real, even though this is on Disney Junior, it looks cool and I have to watch at least a bit of it, if only for Ms. Marvel. And announced from Marvel for the Disney Channel is Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur from Laurence Fishburne, which I will definitely be watching as well. If you aren't sold on Disney Plus or if you know someone that isn't, pull up with this sick trailer highlighting great moments from the shows and movies that will be on there.
Also announced was that Black Panther II will come out May 6th, 2022, with Ryan Coogler back to direct. One thing I have to comment on is the newly announced animated Disney movie, Raya and the Last Dragon. It sounds like it will be pretty good. But, sadly I'm seeing similarities to The Dragon Prince, Raya and Rayla, both are about some of the last dragons. It's just kind of sad that when this comes out and is super popular, no one will even know what The Dragon Prince is and confuse it for this.
Let's finish this blogpost with one of the best things, Star Wars. First some deets came out about Keri Russell's new character, Zorri Bliss being a criminal and Poe's friend. Then we got a poster, which is very cool. And then we got a special look that was shown exclusively for audiences at D23, that we didn't get to see until Monday, delaying this blog. Just kidding, I'm already lazy enough to delay it all by myself. The trailer is pretty good, most of it is old footage, but it's a nice compilation and it's cool to have footage from all 9 saga films in the same trailer. On to the new footage, we see the characters walk up to some sort of festival. Then we see Leia, Carrie Fisher is truly in it. We see some ships of the resistance. Then a ton of Imperial Star Destroyers in space, making me think that this is where the Imperial remnant went in the outer regions. That would be very cool if this is actually what this is and they are utilizing more non-movie material for the films. We see C-3PO with red eyes, I've heard a lot of theories, but I think it would be cool if he just went evil from his programming of when he swapped minds with a battle droid in Attack of the Clones. Then we see Kylo and Rey battling over water around what I think is the second Death Star. Very neat, we've seen battles over lava, it's cool to also have battles over water. Although we must have Mustafar in this movie! Now on to the scene that everyone is talking about, Dark Rey. Double- bladed folding lightsaber, I like it. I don't have any clue what is going on. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a vision. But what I actually think would be cool is for her to turn to the dark side. We also hear Vader's breathing in this, which is odd, since even though we know he will be involved with the movie, they specifically play that over the scene of Rey. Which could mean several things: a)Vader's spirit is on the second Death Star, b)Rey is the next Darth Vader, c)It is a vision and Vader's breathing is playing over it to call back to Luke's vision of himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah, or d)They are in Vader's castle during this scene. It could be none of those, but I would like all of them. But we Darth Darth Vader's Castle on Mustafar in The Rise of Skywalker. With that, stay connected.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Star Wars Disney Plus Shows I Want
Star Wars Disney Plus Shows That I Want
The Disney Plus streaming service is getting closer and closer to launch in November of this year. The D23 expo is set for next week, and will show off a lot of cool Disney Plus reveals. It seems a very good time to write this blog post for the top Star Wars Disney Plus shows that I want. I went over the Marvel Disney Plus shows that I want a few months ago and many have been confirmed to be happening. Same as with that list some of these shows could end up elsewhere, such as Hulu, Disney XD, Disney Channel, and on ABC. Some things I don't mention, although they very well could be TV shows, but also movies (for example Darth Bane), because the future and medium for the project is unclear and there is a lot of setup needed elsewhere first. I don't expect all of these shows to happen, it's just a fat list. With that let's get started.
The Mandalorian
This show has already been confirmed for a while and I covered it when it was first announced. It is being made by Jon Faverau and Dave Filoni. The show is about a lone gunslinger, set a few years after Return of the Jedi. The Mandalorian stars Pedro Pascal as the titular character. It will release November 12th, day one of Disney Plus with at least one episode released that day.
Cassian Andor
This show is the second and latest confirmed show up to now, although there are some credible rumors about other series. It focuses on the character of Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) before the events of that movie. It will also have Alan Tudyk as K2SO back again from Rogue One. Something very interesting that could be explored the show is that Cassian was a Seperatist during the Clone Wars, explaining his views on Jedi. It is being run by Stephen Schiff and will be released sometime in 2020 or 2021.
Roll up with a z. Blast my horn. B we off fboy. That's what I says to little Ani when i pull up in my podracer. A podracing series would be great, set on Tatooine with high adrenile races and drama. Who knows when it is set. Podracing is just one of my favorite aspects of Star Wars to pull up on that we've not seen enough from.
Jabba The Hutt
He eats people, rated m for momma. It will be the The Godfather 4, i swear to gid. It is something huge happening. Have you ever read The Art of the Deal? No not the Trump book, the Jabba comic, son it is fire. The Hutt can roll up and make a scene go out of control with his fat body mass and business genius. A miniseries would be very fine.
Young Jedi Underground
Your boy, Trevor on the deep web gave me this bit of an idea, "But seriously, I'd like to see a show about force-sensitive people who don't know about the Jedi order developing new abilities and how they use them. Think Heroes but without the early expiration date. (It's Nate's idea and I'm stealing it.)" I think that rocks! Let's see what these young force-users do on and off of Coroscant when they don't get tracked and straight up grabbed by the Jedi with their Cerebro youngling-tracking power.How do they get lightsabers, let's explore that. Now I don't really know Heroes but I do know a show called The Tomorrow People about an underground group of teens with powers and if this is like that for Jedi, it will be cool. The Tomorrow People 4, hype boys!
Crimson Dawn
We have to see more of the Crimson Dawn. Maul was set up for the future in Solo and we have to see how he gets from running a crime syndicate to living in the scum of Malachor on Rebels. I think you could bring in someone else for this series, an antihero or bounty hunter (possibly Boba Fett) as a way in to the series, a not so evil character and possible protagonist, and a person to take down Crimson Dawn. It can't really be Han, because he didn't believe in the force, so he can't see Maul. Also what's up with Qi'ra, she betrayed Han, do they ever meet again? And how (if ever, in the near future) does she die? These are questions we need answers to and I need this series.
Solo 2
Make Solo 2 Happen was a big hashtag and movement going around the Internet. But Make Solo 2 Happen doesn't mean not to care about other series being released. Here I am advocating for 3 Solo related TV series, but just because I don't want other series more than these doesn't mean that I should get mad or sad or even not excited when other shows I want less are announced. I just had to get this out of the way, because it is a trash opinion I saw people expressing when Kenobi (which Solo is garbage next to, sorry fanboys) was rumored. Nevertheless a Solo show would be the straight up bomb. We would see Han cozying up to Jabba and whatever him and Chewie did there on Tatooine after Solo and whatever other possible adventures he got in to. What was Jabba putting together a crew for? I would be very excited if this show was announced.
Disney is holding up on Lando's series that is needed, now. Come on guys, you got Donald Glover in there, he was amazing in Solo. You cast that man for your future. He is a busy man so make it a miniseries, but pull up with it and quick. I could see a show set both before and after Solo. Him going around with L3 and the Falcon truly would be great. What's the deal with the Mindharp of Sharu. Pull from the Lando Calrisian Adventures in Legends. If this series happens, you know that I want it.
He needs a show, straight up. Yoda's not number one because of reasons of his mystery and need the other stories more but hes the character I need most. But I am worried that aspects of him could be ruined, as Han in Solo. But no matter what Yoda is my favorite character and he needs something to make him a little bit more fleshed out.
Lost Tribe of the Sith
I know i said before not to speculate early about Darth Bane, but I defenly do not see a Lost Tribe movie at this point, i think sidetales are better for TV anyway. But it would be cool to see it set up a little in an Old Republic movie. This series would be based off of John Jackson Miller's Legends book Lost Tribe of the Sith, a story about a Sith society developed and stranded politics in there, spanning generations, with intriguing characters. With only a little set up from a film, it could be a very enjoyable story.
Dex's Diner
Here's the sitcom of the bunch, inspired by Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond. The laugh festival this show would be just from the concept to the episodes and plot. But I honestly want this, because I was always interested in Dexter Je Diner, how it worked and the goings-on since Episode II. You get to see this wacky, humorous, and four-armed Besalisk guy and his droid and alien pals, discovering their characters and that part of Coroscant. What is Dexter's past how does he know Obi-wan. I need to know that now please Kathy.
Detours (Animated)
Now, Seth Green made this dumpster fire when he was 12, so cut him some slack but going from the sitcom angle it could be not bad, it even has Dex's Diner in the show. Just feel me that releasing it because it is fully ready, it would be pretty cool. Now Disney, just don't give it too much press, so people aren't disappointed. Although you'll get full watch from me, I'm just medium on the hate, I know what to expect and I'm hyped for it.
Rogue Two/ Bothans
Many Bothans died for these Death Star II plans. I swear to gid, if we only got to see Rogue One because you could have humans and a battle in it and we never get this, screw them, straight up. The rule is no aliens screw that. They'll learn eventually from the shows that that is simply not true, I would hope. It is now time for Bothan-mania and who says you can't do a story of legendary proportions with them. I am here for it now.
Knights of Ren
Kylo Ren might get shot in The Rise of Skywalker. So we will have Rey lead his knights like a King Arthur show with pillaging and oodles of lightsabers. The Knights of Rey. Honestly though I would truly take this show as a prequel to Force Awakens or after the Last Jedi, maybe this is where we could see the Jedi Purge. I really want it and so does JJ Abrams i mentioned before, saying, “there’s a Knights of Ren story that I think would be pretty cool to tell.” So come on, just make it. These bums at Disney are too scared to do what i say. Just kidding, but I would really like this show.
Lost Stars (Anime)
Lost Stars is one of the greatest Star Wars books in canon. It is sort of a love story between the two main characters, Cienna Ree and Thane Kyrell. They are both in the Empire until Thane breaks off and joins the rebellion. I won't say much else so not to spoil it, honestly I didn't think it would work or be good, even while people were telling me it would be. I only ended up reading it because it was by the author of my favorite canon Star Wars book, Bloodline,by Claudia Gray. and I was so wrong the book is great, I really got connected to the characters and worlds and it connects to the movies so well. Look if you doubt it would be good take it from me that I doubted too and thought it was good. Anyway they adapted it into a manga and I was thinking that they could turn that into an anime.
Luke's Jedi Academy and The Further Adventure of Luke, Han, and Leia
"When I saw in The Force Awakens that my cracka, Luke actually listened to Master Yoda and made a Jedi training dojo I had to see that happen. Even when Benjermin Solo burned that house down putting Luke into exile for his guilt that was when it got real good with plot and drama of what drove him to doing that. I have to see this happen now. We can get a bunch of cool Jedi characters in Luke's students, good and bad. How did he collect them? What sort of crazy adventures did they have? In the great novel, Bloodline, Kylo is out missioning with Luke, what was happening. How much of the texts did Luke follow and listen to the old ways or in with the new? These are some of the questions that a post-Return of the Jedi series could answer.
If this show were to tell us the stories of Luke (Sebastian Stan), Han(Alden Ehrenreich), or Leia (Millie Bobbie Brown) following the events of Return of the Jedi, it we'd have to see these actors play the roles. It would be an amazing way to close the gap and kind of like another trilogy. The show could also have great potential for new characters, including anyone who may have been at Luke's Jedi Academy. It would also be the absolute bomb. If I see the day where this is reality ever, I will love it. I will even watch from prison if it comes out after i eat thousands of dollars worth of postage stamps at the mail center while the mail officers are sleeping."
Top 5 shows
5 Bounty Hunters [B Huntaz]
You knew it was coming. Boba, Dengar, Bossk, Cad Bane, IG-88, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Embo. My boys. This will be the firest win under Disney's belt, deliver this product immediately, Kathy. Now, or i will flip out. Nuff said.
4 Ezra/ Thrawn (Animated)
I've told you about this before if you are a loyal reader. We need to know what happened. Tell me Filoni, please. Ezra and Thrawn blasted that Star Destroyer whale off into the fat nexus where the heck is it? Pull up with this, you know you were setting up for the future. Not knowing leaves me ragged. So many opportunities for this show, Sabine and Ashoka. Disney is no longer working on resistance lug their dead weight over onto this future show please. I need this.
3 Legends (Animated)
"I have already mentioned a few Legends stories that could be inspiration for new series. But what about Legends itself? Most of these stories (though not all) are pretty good, and need to be on TV. This TV series could take existing Legends stories and adapt them directly to the small screen. They would still exist outside of the canon, but it would serve as a love letter to fans of these old stories. The only problem with this show would be the potential confusion generated it not being canon. People understand the multiverse in Marvel, the fools would catch on. Besides, a message of the non-canon status of these stories in the title sequence could easily clear up all confusion. Marvel is already doing What If on Disney Plus, the literal translation of that is Star Wars Infinities, which would be cool but Legends is better and would bring back a bunch of the fans with minimal braincells that jumped off of the train at the start of new canon. Any Legends fan would probably love to see an adaptation of the Thrawn trilogy, the Dark Empire trilogy, The Force Unleashed, or the Yuuzhan Vong war. Despite not being canon, there are still many good stories to use in Legends. You cant really do Darth Bane or Plagueis justice, because Disney shouldn't limit themselves in the future and spoil what they want to make in the future for the mainstream audience because they could still pull from Legends for canon."
2 Kenobi
This one is so close to being confirmed I would 100 dollars on it being announced at D23, it's also so so close to being my number one pick for this list, but I just don't think it has as much scope and potential as what is in that spot currently, although Kenobi really does have so much potential. Showing where Obi-wan was in the desert what he was doing. The transition from Mcgregor to Guinness Of course Mcgregor is playing him. No other can touch the character in live-action, MORON! But I think well have some cool aspects, not Maul, but Vader probably and Luke, Owen, and Beru. I hope it plays off of John's, John Jackson Miller's Legends book, Kenobi about him in this time period one of my top legends books, it totally can guide this show and bring in some characters and plot points from that book. Also the Marvel Comics have Ben's journal about his life and times that has to pull up with a reference. Mention Satine, please. Moreover, I need Obi-wan 's inner demons and character exploration, wrestling with what he should have done with Anakin and I need the penultimate confrontation between Vader and Obi-wan where Obi-wan tries to pull him to good and fails. I NEED Qui-ghost the most though.I need this show!
1 I said one of my favorite Legends books is Kenobi, my number one favorite is DARTH PLAGUEIS. The book by James Luceno is the best in connecting the star wars saga and crafting amazing characters and story. This must be a show, on god. Tom Hiddleston Palpatine. Andy Serkis Plagueis. Star Wars: Sith.
Now I know that Serkis played Snoke, but Snoke died and was in a different time period. But since Serkis is the best i have got to come up with for the role, he's great you could play into the Snoke Plagueis theories with this, make it true. It does not really matter that much now, just give this to the fans. Picture Plagueis walking into an opera house full of mob bosses. They jump our man! He lights them up with force lighting and blazes through them with his lightsaber. That is kind of from the book and from a vision i have had of the masterful action this series could contain. So many characters you could have, this being set before The Phantom Menace, with Plagueis training Sheev Palpatine. So much lore to rail through. The Sith, man we are up here, live -action Star Wars TV and to think I once never thought we'd see the day.
Oh boy, these shows are fire let's hope i get my wishes on all of em. At least the mains. But I am good whatever we get even though i spat out a ton, I am sure there's a megaton more that I missed that I would love. Peace out. Stay connected. Floor.
Plagiarism Sources:
The Disney Plus streaming service is getting closer and closer to launch in November of this year. The D23 expo is set for next week, and will show off a lot of cool Disney Plus reveals. It seems a very good time to write this blog post for the top Star Wars Disney Plus shows that I want. I went over the Marvel Disney Plus shows that I want a few months ago and many have been confirmed to be happening. Same as with that list some of these shows could end up elsewhere, such as Hulu, Disney XD, Disney Channel, and on ABC. Some things I don't mention, although they very well could be TV shows, but also movies (for example Darth Bane), because the future and medium for the project is unclear and there is a lot of setup needed elsewhere first. I don't expect all of these shows to happen, it's just a fat list. With that let's get started.
The Mandalorian
This show has already been confirmed for a while and I covered it when it was first announced. It is being made by Jon Faverau and Dave Filoni. The show is about a lone gunslinger, set a few years after Return of the Jedi. The Mandalorian stars Pedro Pascal as the titular character. It will release November 12th, day one of Disney Plus with at least one episode released that day.
Cassian Andor
This show is the second and latest confirmed show up to now, although there are some credible rumors about other series. It focuses on the character of Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) before the events of that movie. It will also have Alan Tudyk as K2SO back again from Rogue One. Something very interesting that could be explored the show is that Cassian was a Seperatist during the Clone Wars, explaining his views on Jedi. It is being run by Stephen Schiff and will be released sometime in 2020 or 2021.
Roll up with a z. Blast my horn. B we off fboy. That's what I says to little Ani when i pull up in my podracer. A podracing series would be great, set on Tatooine with high adrenile races and drama. Who knows when it is set. Podracing is just one of my favorite aspects of Star Wars to pull up on that we've not seen enough from.
Jabba The Hutt
He eats people, rated m for momma. It will be the The Godfather 4, i swear to gid. It is something huge happening. Have you ever read The Art of the Deal? No not the Trump book, the Jabba comic, son it is fire. The Hutt can roll up and make a scene go out of control with his fat body mass and business genius. A miniseries would be very fine.
Young Jedi Underground
Your boy, Trevor on the deep web gave me this bit of an idea, "But seriously, I'd like to see a show about force-sensitive people who don't know about the Jedi order developing new abilities and how they use them. Think Heroes but without the early expiration date. (It's Nate's idea and I'm stealing it.)" I think that rocks! Let's see what these young force-users do on and off of Coroscant when they don't get tracked and straight up grabbed by the Jedi with their Cerebro youngling-tracking power.How do they get lightsabers, let's explore that. Now I don't really know Heroes but I do know a show called The Tomorrow People about an underground group of teens with powers and if this is like that for Jedi, it will be cool. The Tomorrow People 4, hype boys!
Crimson Dawn
We have to see more of the Crimson Dawn. Maul was set up for the future in Solo and we have to see how he gets from running a crime syndicate to living in the scum of Malachor on Rebels. I think you could bring in someone else for this series, an antihero or bounty hunter (possibly Boba Fett) as a way in to the series, a not so evil character and possible protagonist, and a person to take down Crimson Dawn. It can't really be Han, because he didn't believe in the force, so he can't see Maul. Also what's up with Qi'ra, she betrayed Han, do they ever meet again? And how (if ever, in the near future) does she die? These are questions we need answers to and I need this series.
Solo 2
Make Solo 2 Happen was a big hashtag and movement going around the Internet. But Make Solo 2 Happen doesn't mean not to care about other series being released. Here I am advocating for 3 Solo related TV series, but just because I don't want other series more than these doesn't mean that I should get mad or sad or even not excited when other shows I want less are announced. I just had to get this out of the way, because it is a trash opinion I saw people expressing when Kenobi (which Solo is garbage next to, sorry fanboys) was rumored. Nevertheless a Solo show would be the straight up bomb. We would see Han cozying up to Jabba and whatever him and Chewie did there on Tatooine after Solo and whatever other possible adventures he got in to. What was Jabba putting together a crew for? I would be very excited if this show was announced.
Disney is holding up on Lando's series that is needed, now. Come on guys, you got Donald Glover in there, he was amazing in Solo. You cast that man for your future. He is a busy man so make it a miniseries, but pull up with it and quick. I could see a show set both before and after Solo. Him going around with L3 and the Falcon truly would be great. What's the deal with the Mindharp of Sharu. Pull from the Lando Calrisian Adventures in Legends. If this series happens, you know that I want it.
He needs a show, straight up. Yoda's not number one because of reasons of his mystery and need the other stories more but hes the character I need most. But I am worried that aspects of him could be ruined, as Han in Solo. But no matter what Yoda is my favorite character and he needs something to make him a little bit more fleshed out.
Lost Tribe of the Sith
I know i said before not to speculate early about Darth Bane, but I defenly do not see a Lost Tribe movie at this point, i think sidetales are better for TV anyway. But it would be cool to see it set up a little in an Old Republic movie. This series would be based off of John Jackson Miller's Legends book Lost Tribe of the Sith, a story about a Sith society developed and stranded politics in there, spanning generations, with intriguing characters. With only a little set up from a film, it could be a very enjoyable story.
Dex's Diner
Here's the sitcom of the bunch, inspired by Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond. The laugh festival this show would be just from the concept to the episodes and plot. But I honestly want this, because I was always interested in Dexter Je Diner, how it worked and the goings-on since Episode II. You get to see this wacky, humorous, and four-armed Besalisk guy and his droid and alien pals, discovering their characters and that part of Coroscant. What is Dexter's past how does he know Obi-wan. I need to know that now please Kathy.
Detours (Animated)
Now, Seth Green made this dumpster fire when he was 12, so cut him some slack but going from the sitcom angle it could be not bad, it even has Dex's Diner in the show. Just feel me that releasing it because it is fully ready, it would be pretty cool. Now Disney, just don't give it too much press, so people aren't disappointed. Although you'll get full watch from me, I'm just medium on the hate, I know what to expect and I'm hyped for it.
Rogue Two/ Bothans
Many Bothans died for these Death Star II plans. I swear to gid, if we only got to see Rogue One because you could have humans and a battle in it and we never get this, screw them, straight up. The rule is no aliens screw that. They'll learn eventually from the shows that that is simply not true, I would hope. It is now time for Bothan-mania and who says you can't do a story of legendary proportions with them. I am here for it now.
Knights of Ren
Kylo Ren might get shot in The Rise of Skywalker. So we will have Rey lead his knights like a King Arthur show with pillaging and oodles of lightsabers. The Knights of Rey. Honestly though I would truly take this show as a prequel to Force Awakens or after the Last Jedi, maybe this is where we could see the Jedi Purge. I really want it and so does JJ Abrams i mentioned before, saying, “there’s a Knights of Ren story that I think would be pretty cool to tell.” So come on, just make it. These bums at Disney are too scared to do what i say. Just kidding, but I would really like this show.
Lost Stars (Anime)
Lost Stars is one of the greatest Star Wars books in canon. It is sort of a love story between the two main characters, Cienna Ree and Thane Kyrell. They are both in the Empire until Thane breaks off and joins the rebellion. I won't say much else so not to spoil it, honestly I didn't think it would work or be good, even while people were telling me it would be. I only ended up reading it because it was by the author of my favorite canon Star Wars book, Bloodline,by Claudia Gray. and I was so wrong the book is great, I really got connected to the characters and worlds and it connects to the movies so well. Look if you doubt it would be good take it from me that I doubted too and thought it was good. Anyway they adapted it into a manga and I was thinking that they could turn that into an anime.
"When I saw in The Force Awakens that my cracka, Luke actually listened to Master Yoda and made a Jedi training dojo I had to see that happen. Even when Benjermin Solo burned that house down putting Luke into exile for his guilt that was when it got real good with plot and drama of what drove him to doing that. I have to see this happen now. We can get a bunch of cool Jedi characters in Luke's students, good and bad. How did he collect them? What sort of crazy adventures did they have? In the great novel, Bloodline, Kylo is out missioning with Luke, what was happening. How much of the texts did Luke follow and listen to the old ways or in with the new? These are some of the questions that a post-Return of the Jedi series could answer.
If this show were to tell us the stories of Luke (Sebastian Stan), Han(Alden Ehrenreich), or Leia (Millie Bobbie Brown) following the events of Return of the Jedi, it we'd have to see these actors play the roles. It would be an amazing way to close the gap and kind of like another trilogy. The show could also have great potential for new characters, including anyone who may have been at Luke's Jedi Academy. It would also be the absolute bomb. If I see the day where this is reality ever, I will love it. I will even watch from prison if it comes out after i eat thousands of dollars worth of postage stamps at the mail center while the mail officers are sleeping."
Top 5 shows
5 Bounty Hunters [B Huntaz]
You knew it was coming. Boba, Dengar, Bossk, Cad Bane, IG-88, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Embo. My boys. This will be the firest win under Disney's belt, deliver this product immediately, Kathy. Now, or i will flip out. Nuff said.
4 Ezra/ Thrawn (Animated)
I've told you about this before if you are a loyal reader. We need to know what happened. Tell me Filoni, please. Ezra and Thrawn blasted that Star Destroyer whale off into the fat nexus where the heck is it? Pull up with this, you know you were setting up for the future. Not knowing leaves me ragged. So many opportunities for this show, Sabine and Ashoka. Disney is no longer working on resistance lug their dead weight over onto this future show please. I need this.
3 Legends (Animated)
"I have already mentioned a few Legends stories that could be inspiration for new series. But what about Legends itself? Most of these stories (though not all) are pretty good, and need to be on TV. This TV series could take existing Legends stories and adapt them directly to the small screen. They would still exist outside of the canon, but it would serve as a love letter to fans of these old stories. The only problem with this show would be the potential confusion generated it not being canon. People understand the multiverse in Marvel, the fools would catch on. Besides, a message of the non-canon status of these stories in the title sequence could easily clear up all confusion. Marvel is already doing What If on Disney Plus, the literal translation of that is Star Wars Infinities, which would be cool but Legends is better and would bring back a bunch of the fans with minimal braincells that jumped off of the train at the start of new canon. Any Legends fan would probably love to see an adaptation of the Thrawn trilogy, the Dark Empire trilogy, The Force Unleashed, or the Yuuzhan Vong war. Despite not being canon, there are still many good stories to use in Legends. You cant really do Darth Bane or Plagueis justice, because Disney shouldn't limit themselves in the future and spoil what they want to make in the future for the mainstream audience because they could still pull from Legends for canon."
2 Kenobi
This one is so close to being confirmed I would 100 dollars on it being announced at D23, it's also so so close to being my number one pick for this list, but I just don't think it has as much scope and potential as what is in that spot currently, although Kenobi really does have so much potential. Showing where Obi-wan was in the desert what he was doing. The transition from Mcgregor to Guinness Of course Mcgregor is playing him. No other can touch the character in live-action, MORON! But I think well have some cool aspects, not Maul, but Vader probably and Luke, Owen, and Beru. I hope it plays off of John's, John Jackson Miller's Legends book, Kenobi about him in this time period one of my top legends books, it totally can guide this show and bring in some characters and plot points from that book. Also the Marvel Comics have Ben's journal about his life and times that has to pull up with a reference. Mention Satine, please. Moreover, I need Obi-wan 's inner demons and character exploration, wrestling with what he should have done with Anakin and I need the penultimate confrontation between Vader and Obi-wan where Obi-wan tries to pull him to good and fails. I NEED Qui-ghost the most though.I need this show!
1 I said one of my favorite Legends books is Kenobi, my number one favorite is DARTH PLAGUEIS. The book by James Luceno is the best in connecting the star wars saga and crafting amazing characters and story. This must be a show, on god. Tom Hiddleston Palpatine. Andy Serkis Plagueis. Star Wars: Sith.
Now I know that Serkis played Snoke, but Snoke died and was in a different time period. But since Serkis is the best i have got to come up with for the role, he's great you could play into the Snoke Plagueis theories with this, make it true. It does not really matter that much now, just give this to the fans. Picture Plagueis walking into an opera house full of mob bosses. They jump our man! He lights them up with force lighting and blazes through them with his lightsaber. That is kind of from the book and from a vision i have had of the masterful action this series could contain. So many characters you could have, this being set before The Phantom Menace, with Plagueis training Sheev Palpatine. So much lore to rail through. The Sith, man we are up here, live -action Star Wars TV and to think I once never thought we'd see the day.
Oh boy, these shows are fire let's hope i get my wishes on all of em. At least the mains. But I am good whatever we get even though i spat out a ton, I am sure there's a megaton more that I missed that I would love. Peace out. Stay connected. Floor.
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