Thursday, October 5, 2017

Top 10 Spider-Man Villians for future movies

Dank dudes
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. But it's here the long awaited top ten spiderman villains for future movies. I'm going to have a few rules for this list though: Can't have appeared as a main villain in previous spider-man movies ex. Green goblin, can't be a property in development at sony (so theres no point because they won't be in the mcu at least for the next 3 movies) ex. Black cat, silver sable, Kraven, Mysterio, Venom.
Without further ado, letsa go.

10. Hobgoblin
This character is ranked as ten because I'm not very enthusiastic to see another goblin as the main spider-man antagonist, but he could work well with the plot, because Ned Leeds becomes hobgoblin in the comics.

9.Spider-slayers and Alistar Smythe
This one I 100% do not want as the main villain, but I think it would be cool to see these robots try to rough up spidey.

This slick boy is a little known character having appearances in the comics and The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. It would be a good fit for marvel.

7.Black Tarantula
This character is included because of his great name, his amazing power and his great arcs. There is a lot of territory that could be covered facing him up against spider-man.

Hammerhead is a crime boss that has faced up against Spider-man many times and literally has a hammer head. I'd only want a minor role but it would be cool to see him in a film.

5.The jackal
This goblin like character used to be the scientist, Miles Warren before adopting freaky features. Even Tom Holland has talked about wanting him for a movie. Spider-man writer, Dan Slott described him, "one of the wonderful mad scientists of Spider-Man's world."

4.Mr negative
This is another crime boss that Spider-Man battles. He is soon to appear in the upcoming Spider-man ps4 game so he might gain enough prominence for a movie.

Yet another crime boss, there should just be a spider-man movie with all of them. Kingpin is special though, as a much more popular character and villain of Daredevil having already appeared in his series. Spider-Man has also fought Wilson Fisk in the comics and cartoons and it would make a good villain for a more grounded film.

Chameleon is a shape shifting master that has tricked spider-man quite often and would make for an interesting plot. A similar character has appeared on agents of shield, so it can work because we know the universe has the technology.

1.The Wall
This is no doubt the best spider-man villain there is and the most deserving of a role in a movie. Joshua Waldemeyer (the most iconic name in comics) was a part-time construction worker that in an accident was turned into a living wall. He even has mind control powers for some reason, idk. But he would be a good political statement. #buildthatwall

Real 1.Scorpion
Ok, the wall was a joke, but it would be a funny easter egg. The real number one is scorpion, Mac Gargan  appeared in Spider-Man Homecoming played by Michael Mando and was heavily set up to become scorpion later like he does in the comics. It would just be an awesome villain too, totally revamped for the mcu. 

That's all folks, and as always stay connected

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