This is a blog I've been wanting to do for a while. In my blog info it says I will post about memes, I haven't yet so here it is. A meme was a term coined by Richard Dawkins in the 80s to describe a societal or evolutionary trend or idea. Obviously this term has gained in immense popularity and practical use of the definition in the past decade or so. It really all started with a picture of a computer modeled baby that became known as dancing baby. These things started trends and memes that would gain popularity on the internet. Some of the biggest early memes were doge, rage comics, troll faces, Pepe, and lots of stock photos that would have words over them to make a meme. Everything there is very outdated now.

Memes 101: Explaining my blog
Within very recent years memes went to go on to unleash the full potential of their definition. The memes became very ironic, meta, and crazy being not just the white text old myspace and facebook memes that die instantly. They got their own culture and completely separated from the normies. They now have sites dedicated to just memes like 9gag and ifunny. Then there is 4chan, we get into explaining my blog, I don't associate with 4chan but I am very aware of them. They are agroup of radical memeist terrorists that take memes up another level organizing raids on twitch streams and other random online games like the habbo hotel or runescape. They are also very much alt right, which accounts for them being right about everything. The have created a nation with the Egyptian lord, Kek and they have a leader, Big Man Tyrone.
Their mascot goes back to resurrecting a dead meme for hateful purposes, Pepe the frog. They have engaged in Meme wars that have made headlines worldwide such as the war after the Cnn blackmail incident involving Donald Trump. Hopefully this will help you to understand why I embrace my blog as a meme and the culture behind it.

Memes are minecraft and minecraft is memes. If you don't get it get out. And also follow my blog. And what I forgot to say last timb, Stay connected.

Links to meme culture: