A new Star Wars animated series as a follow up to Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Resistance, has recently been announced. It is being made by supervising director and creator of Rebels and The Clone Wars, Dave Filoni. The plot focuses on Kazuda Xiono, a pilot for the resistance, who is involved in a spy mission into the First Order. The show apparently has a World War II influence, which is similar to how George Lucas originally drew inspiration from dogfight footage of both World Wars. Another pillar of the series is "high speed racing" which sounds interesting, and could involve pod-racing or even Han Solo, because we know he was involved with some of that post- Return of the Jedi.
Involved characters that we already know about are Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma, roles being reprised by Oscar Issac and Gwendolyn Christie, respectively. The first-order plot makes we wonder if Snoke or Kylo Ren might appear and that we might even learn about Snoke's backstory. It is worth wagering that General Leia would appear, because of her involvement in the resistance.
Considering the timeline, having to be less than six years before The Force Awakens, because of the book, Bloodline, which established the creation of the resistance to save Rasolm Casterfo, a senator being framed and arrested by First Order involved senators. Bloodline was a wonderful book and Casterfo was a wonderful character, so I hope that we could see a wrap-up of that plot and maybe even Casterfo in the show. But, of course the characters that everyone wants to be involved the most, the characters from Rebels have no information on if they will appear or not. Although previous interconnectivity with Rebels and The Clone Wars would make it seem like it will happen again. The animation itself is anime-inspired, a choice causing some backlash but from the banner we've seen already seems to be cool. We don't yet know how many episodes will be in the first season, or how many seasons long the series is planned to be. The series premieres sometime this Fall on the Disney Channel and later on Dinsey XD.
There is also planned to be a live-action Star Wars series on Disney's upcoming streaming service created by Jon Faverau, director of such films as Iron Man. Although announced a while back, this very much excites me, because Jon Favearu is one of my favorite directors working in general and a live-action Star Wars show is sure to be a landmark event no matter what.
(Blog Update): Thank you for reading, this is a sort of new experiment that I am trying of taking a piece of news or announcement like this, detailing it and giving my opinion on it. If it winds up being liked, I will do more of this. There is more to come from my blog. As you can see I have been trying to put up a piece every Saturday. My next post will be a review of the novel, Star Wars Last Shot, as soon as I can get it up. I have more ideas for new types of posts in the future, some of my favorite things to do are big projects like the Smash Bros, Scribblenauts, and year of Luigi blogs that I wrote. I will be back soon with all-new, all-different writing, and until then stay connected.
Read More: https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-resistance-set-for-fall-debut
World War Influence: https://www.starwars.com/news/from-world-war-to-star-wars-dogfights
Star Wars Explained- Resistance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXc_IwHyXYk
And Happy birthday to my sister.
On this blog I will be reviewing video games, books, comics and movies, writing short stories, talking about memes, and anything else I want to do so enjoy.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018
The Year of Luigi: A Travesty in Gaming
The Year of Luigi: A travesty in gaming
The year was 2013, Nintendo had just released the Wii U, they were in need of a leader. They found one in an unlikely place, Luigi. Of course the true leader of Nintendo, Satora Iwata was directing the company, arguably incorrectly. This caused the Year of Luigi, a period of 365 days in which Nintendo put a large amount of focus on Luigi in games, merchandising, and marketing. Luigi Mario (that's his full name) first appeared in the game, Mario Bros in 1983. He was a re-skin of Mario and was a sidekick and brother. And him being a sidekick is Wikipedia, "Often as a sidekick to his brother." The year of Luigi was timed around the 30th anniversary of the character. But, being a sidekick, all the hero, Mario got for the same occasion was a special Amiibo figure. The saddest part, though of the year of Luigi was truly the passing of Luigi's TV voice actor, Danny Wells. Overall, I believe that the year was very negative for Nintendo and gaming in general just because of how silly it is to put the focus on Luigi and how miserably it failed.
Games & Full Expanse of Luigi's Year
Beginning in 2013, the year of Luigi featured 6 "games" most of them being dlc or eshop titles. The year outside of Luigi, featured games like Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon X & Y, and Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The biggest games of the year were on the 3DS were on the year after the Wii U was released. Nintendo was already having a crisis with their newly released console. The biggest problem with the year of Luigi was not that the games were made, but how relentlessly it was marketed and that there was nothing else. The game that was everywhere, being pushed the most was New Super Luigi for Wii U, an expanded DLC type game for the game of the same name if you substitute in Mario. The company made tons of merchandise around this as well as such things as Luigi's Mansion. The budget for this crusade of Luigi was crazy. Even an entire subway was painted and rented as a promotion.
As further promotion for the year of Luigi, Nintendo wanted to cash in on some popular internet crazes and "memes." So official videos were made of someone in a Luigi suit doing parkour and the Harlem Shake. Of course they are fully harmless, but if I worked at Nintendo I would be embarrassed. These weren't the only memes to come from the year of Luigi, oh no the people outside of Nintendo had to have their fun. And they did, the Know Your Meme (a sort of wikipedia for memes) page for the year of Luigi is the most absurd piece of writing I have ever seen. You have to check it out for yourself, but here is a good piece,
"Luigi is a major character in too many Mario shames. Many people believe that he is you and Mario’s long-lost brothers, but this is not true. In reality, Luigi got in a car crash with Mario one day, and Luigi said, “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if we turned out to be long-lost twins?' And Mario said, “Holy Cheese Lovers!!! We’re long-lost twins?!' The rumor evolved from there. Luigi is known to use ’shrooms... He is a member of the Fantastic Four."
There are also horrendously strange fan-arts featuring such catchphrases as, "The Year of Luigi never ends."
The time between March 19, 2013 and March 19, 2014 was the scheduled year of Luigi, it also happened to almost exactly time with Nintendo's financial year in which they lost 456 billion dollars.
Luigi's Mansion is coming back to the 3DS for a reboot of the Gamecube original, which will hopefully be fine if it isn't year-of-luigied. What else remains for the future of the character is uncertain, while I do not think Nintendo will fully place their faith in him again.
I do believe that the year of Luigi was terrible, but I don't hate Luigi. I just think it very interesting to document the year and wonder why Nintendo would dedicate so much time, money, and resources into the anniversary of Mario's sidekick at a time when the company was already losing. And until the year of Wario, 2022, stay connected.
Year of Luigi Games
The year was 2013, Nintendo had just released the Wii U, they were in need of a leader. They found one in an unlikely place, Luigi. Of course the true leader of Nintendo, Satora Iwata was directing the company, arguably incorrectly. This caused the Year of Luigi, a period of 365 days in which Nintendo put a large amount of focus on Luigi in games, merchandising, and marketing. Luigi Mario (that's his full name) first appeared in the game, Mario Bros in 1983. He was a re-skin of Mario and was a sidekick and brother. And him being a sidekick is Wikipedia, "Often as a sidekick to his brother." The year of Luigi was timed around the 30th anniversary of the character. But, being a sidekick, all the hero, Mario got for the same occasion was a special Amiibo figure. The saddest part, though of the year of Luigi was truly the passing of Luigi's TV voice actor, Danny Wells. Overall, I believe that the year was very negative for Nintendo and gaming in general just because of how silly it is to put the focus on Luigi and how miserably it failed.
Games & Full Expanse of Luigi's Year
Beginning in 2013, the year of Luigi featured 6 "games" most of them being dlc or eshop titles. The year outside of Luigi, featured games like Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon X & Y, and Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The biggest games of the year were on the 3DS were on the year after the Wii U was released. Nintendo was already having a crisis with their newly released console. The biggest problem with the year of Luigi was not that the games were made, but how relentlessly it was marketed and that there was nothing else. The game that was everywhere, being pushed the most was New Super Luigi for Wii U, an expanded DLC type game for the game of the same name if you substitute in Mario. The company made tons of merchandise around this as well as such things as Luigi's Mansion. The budget for this crusade of Luigi was crazy. Even an entire subway was painted and rented as a promotion.
As further promotion for the year of Luigi, Nintendo wanted to cash in on some popular internet crazes and "memes." So official videos were made of someone in a Luigi suit doing parkour and the Harlem Shake. Of course they are fully harmless, but if I worked at Nintendo I would be embarrassed. These weren't the only memes to come from the year of Luigi, oh no the people outside of Nintendo had to have their fun. And they did, the Know Your Meme (a sort of wikipedia for memes) page for the year of Luigi is the most absurd piece of writing I have ever seen. You have to check it out for yourself, but here is a good piece,
"Luigi is a major character in too many Mario shames. Many people believe that he is you and Mario’s long-lost brothers, but this is not true. In reality, Luigi got in a car crash with Mario one day, and Luigi said, “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if we turned out to be long-lost twins?' And Mario said, “Holy Cheese Lovers!!! We’re long-lost twins?!' The rumor evolved from there. Luigi is known to use ’shrooms... He is a member of the Fantastic Four."
There are also horrendously strange fan-arts featuring such catchphrases as, "The Year of Luigi never ends."
The time between March 19, 2013 and March 19, 2014 was the scheduled year of Luigi, it also happened to almost exactly time with Nintendo's financial year in which they lost 456 billion dollars.
Luigi's Mansion is coming back to the 3DS for a reboot of the Gamecube original, which will hopefully be fine if it isn't year-of-luigied. What else remains for the future of the character is uncertain, while I do not think Nintendo will fully place their faith in him again.
I do believe that the year of Luigi was terrible, but I don't hate Luigi. I just think it very interesting to document the year and wonder why Nintendo would dedicate so much time, money, and resources into the anniversary of Mario's sidekick at a time when the company was already losing. And until the year of Wario, 2022, stay connected.
Year of Luigi Games
- Dr. Luigi
- Luigi Bros
- Super Luigi Bros
- New Super Luigi U
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
- Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Animal Man: The Hunt Impression
Animal Man: The Hunt Impression
Animal Man volume 1 is a 2012 comic from DC in the new 52 line, written by Jeff Lemire (Moon Knight) and art by Travel Foreman (Immortal Iron Fist.)
It is about Buddy Baker, a superhero publicly known as Animal Man and like it sounds, he has animal-related superpowers. The plot revolves around him and his family traveling to a group of evil animals. His daughter has advanced animal powers, so the evil animals want to posses her and the rest of the family. All of this causes Animal Man to struggle with his powers. The only thing that I do not like about this volume is that it sometimes can be predictable and use cliches and such. Like having an overpowered superhero kid, that's been done before. But, other than that it is really great and creative. Which is why I wanted to review it. I had read Lemire's Moon Knight run and loved that. It is very similar in it's creative style and tone. It's kind horror-ish, while still being in the superhero genre. The art by Foreman is great and he even switches it up for a portion of the last issue. I can't say to much for fear of spoilers, but I can say that Animal Man: The Hunt is a great comic and I want to read more. You don't have to have a background in the character to read it. I never read anything of Animal Man before this and I really enjoyed the book.
The series does connect with Swamp Thing after this volume though and that seems like a great connection to make. Overall Animal Man is a creative, wonderfully written and, excellently drawn comic. Shamefully I must give it the same score as IGN, 9/10. I would highly recommend this as well as Jeff Lemire's other work, I have not read anything else drawn by Foreman, but I look forward to doing so. This is just a short First Impression/ Review, tell me if you liked it and stay connected.
It is about Buddy Baker, a superhero publicly known as Animal Man and like it sounds, he has animal-related superpowers. The plot revolves around him and his family traveling to a group of evil animals. His daughter has advanced animal powers, so the evil animals want to posses her and the rest of the family. All of this causes Animal Man to struggle with his powers. The only thing that I do not like about this volume is that it sometimes can be predictable and use cliches and such. Like having an overpowered superhero kid, that's been done before. But, other than that it is really great and creative. Which is why I wanted to review it. I had read Lemire's Moon Knight run and loved that. It is very similar in it's creative style and tone. It's kind horror-ish, while still being in the superhero genre. The art by Foreman is great and he even switches it up for a portion of the last issue. I can't say to much for fear of spoilers, but I can say that Animal Man: The Hunt is a great comic and I want to read more. You don't have to have a background in the character to read it. I never read anything of Animal Man before this and I really enjoyed the book.
The series does connect with Swamp Thing after this volume though and that seems like a great connection to make. Overall Animal Man is a creative, wonderfully written and, excellently drawn comic. Shamefully I must give it the same score as IGN, 9/10. I would highly recommend this as well as Jeff Lemire's other work, I have not read anything else drawn by Foreman, but I look forward to doing so. This is just a short First Impression/ Review, tell me if you liked it and stay connected.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Star Wars Episode I Racer review
Star Wars Episode I Racer Review
Episode 1 racer is a podracing game themed around The Phantom Menace and release in 1999 on the Nintendo 64. I just happened to find this lying around my house, and considered that since I'm a star wars fan and a gamer, I would play it and review it.
The gameplay is that of a racing game, but with different mechanics to fit the podracing style. The controls adjust thrusters and other parts of the pod and the speed says you are going up to 400 of whatever unit star wars uses and it really seems like it. The main game mode is tournament, a racing mode were you upgrade your pod and race through the levels to unlock new ones. A quick side-note, while Tatooine is remote and the only big recognizable track, there are other awesome environments, like Malastare, which is my favorite. The other single player racing modes are free play, just free racing and time trials in which you try to get good times to reach goals. Then 2 player, which can be fun and maybe the best purpose of the game. Although it could've done 4 player.
The racers are good, Anakin is probably the best considering he is the default and most programmed for. I did notice Sebulba was absent at least at the start which is a shame. And if you're worried and dislike him, for one your silly and two, no Jar Jar Binks is not a racer. Though he and Qui-Gon cameo in the background. There are a wide range of pods and customizations and a good buying system from Watto.
The music in Episode 1 racer is fly. They got Duel of the fates on the title screen and tons of cool transition music. But the best part is while you're racing the music is just the podracing sounds which shows how good the sound design team was on the movie and game. Even though the physics of podracing and controls are great, some mechanics like jumping and landing aren't as much. Other than that really this game is really positive in my opinion, it can be frustrating at times and isn't the best racing game, but holds up as a great Star Wars game. And between you and me I don't think EA can top this. So to finish Episode 1 racer is a great fast-paced pod-racer with awesome environments, and a memorable game. I rate it 8.7/10.
Now stay connected and excuse me while I go mod Jar Jar's character model into the game.
Episode 1 racer is a podracing game themed around The Phantom Menace and release in 1999 on the Nintendo 64. I just happened to find this lying around my house, and considered that since I'm a star wars fan and a gamer, I would play it and review it.
The gameplay is that of a racing game, but with different mechanics to fit the podracing style. The controls adjust thrusters and other parts of the pod and the speed says you are going up to 400 of whatever unit star wars uses and it really seems like it. The main game mode is tournament, a racing mode were you upgrade your pod and race through the levels to unlock new ones. A quick side-note, while Tatooine is remote and the only big recognizable track, there are other awesome environments, like Malastare, which is my favorite. The other single player racing modes are free play, just free racing and time trials in which you try to get good times to reach goals. Then 2 player, which can be fun and maybe the best purpose of the game. Although it could've done 4 player.
The racers are good, Anakin is probably the best considering he is the default and most programmed for. I did notice Sebulba was absent at least at the start which is a shame. And if you're worried and dislike him, for one your silly and two, no Jar Jar Binks is not a racer. Though he and Qui-Gon cameo in the background. There are a wide range of pods and customizations and a good buying system from Watto.
The music in Episode 1 racer is fly. They got Duel of the fates on the title screen and tons of cool transition music. But the best part is while you're racing the music is just the podracing sounds which shows how good the sound design team was on the movie and game. Even though the physics of podracing and controls are great, some mechanics like jumping and landing aren't as much. Other than that really this game is really positive in my opinion, it can be frustrating at times and isn't the best racing game, but holds up as a great Star Wars game. And between you and me I don't think EA can top this. So to finish Episode 1 racer is a great fast-paced pod-racer with awesome environments, and a memorable game. I rate it 8.7/10.
Now stay connected and excuse me while I go mod Jar Jar's character model into the game.